After adding 20 hotspots succesfully, adding a new hotspot the following error is stated: Save failed with the following error: Field 'administrative_area_level_1' doesn't have a default value...
When selecting a hotspot and pushing the Delete button (see printscreen attached) the following message is stated: 0 Call to undefined method Joomla\Database\Mysqli\MysqliDriver::query()...
When selecting a hotspot and pushing the Unpublish button (see printscreen attached) the following message is stated: 0 Class "JArrayHelper" not found Editing the hotspot and then selecting unplubish and save, works fine......
When creating a hotspot, yoomla gives an error: count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, Joomla\CMS\Categories\CategoryNode given. Any idea how to resolve it?...
Good day! Links in my last comments module don't work. There is an Error: "0 You have not supplied a valid HTTP status code". Now I have changed this string in the file com_comment/controllers/comment.php 75: $appl->redirect($link, n...
I want to change the text on the "add new" button because this is not in my native language. How can I do this?...
I would like to update my CComments Pro but the only download that I see is the 'core' Ccomments. I have tried logging out and in again but that does not make a difference. What am I doing wrong ? Robert...

Wish for Xmas / Modul Matukio

Hallo Yves, erstens, ich hoffe es geht dir gut und du hast und wirst den ganzen Virusdreck gut überstehen. Ich hätte eine Frage, Bitte für den Weihnachtsmann: Ich wünsche mir so sehr, dass du es mal schaffst ein Modul zu kreieren, welches die noch...
Selam Ebead Matukio supporter
Lieber Matukio Support, bei den letzten beiden Veranstaltungen ist die Liste unter dem Menüpunkt "Buchungen" unvollständig. Der Name und die E-Mail der Buchungen wird nicht angezeigt. Somit kann auch die Buchung nicht mehr editiert oder ...
HI, I installed hotspot pro 6.0.0 in joomla 4.0.1 then 4.0.2 then ... up to 4.0.5 now on several different websites. I even tried on 2 brand new ones with nothing else than hotspot pro installed. (PHP 7.4 / 8 tested, MariaDB 10.3.29). Each and ev...
I have hotspot pro and sobipro installed. I am trying to link a hotspot to one of my sobipro id, but it will not work? In marker custom options, the 'link to' shows sobiproand I have tried different sobipro ids but it does't link the marker to the so...
Installation of the hotspot component went well. Also getting and installing the API went ok. However. it seems that the map only shows up on the dashboard on the back end and not on the front. The front end loads but no location data or map. Any ass...
Hello, we would like to use hotspots again in our pages and we would like to make a new subscription. BUT, our data protection officer told us, we have to make sure for the pages in germany the google map opens only, if the user accepts the goo...
Peter Steinhilber Hotspots supporter
I've installed CComment Core on Joomla 4. I just can't seem to find out how to close commenting for a specific article. As per documentation here, this should be available on the core version....
I've installed CComment Core on my Joomla 4 site. Looks good so far, except for one thing I don't like: The text "You are not authorised to post comments." appears above the heading "Comment". I'd rather have this below. So I trie...
Using Joomla 4.0.2 and Yootheme installed. After installing Hotspot Core successfully and adding google maps API key in settings I am getting error when trying save it. Error message: "Invalid field: Show contact author button" and only ...
Hello, I have a site with Hotspots Pro 6 installed. How much do you take to develop a plugin to display Virtuemart products places for Hotspots Pro ? (if fact i would like the products be displayed in the map automatically without having to rewri...
Hi, I just bought the Matukio Events and tried to install the extension via Compojoom Installer. However, when I tried to install the Compojoom Installer, it says Internal Server Error. Is there any other way to install the Events plugin? Also, I ...
Hi, How do I enable/disable comments for a category? Or menu/menu item? I can't find anything in the settings. I have the free version - should it be possible? Many thanks, Helen...
Hi! I have an older version of the plugin for HotSpots locations to integrate with a Community Builder profile through a Hotspots "tab" that integrates into Community Builder. I hadn't implemented this yet, but was planning to do so. ...

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Last questions

Save failed with the following error: Field 'admin
After adding 20 hotspots succesfully, adding a new hotspot the following error i...
2 Replies
Posted on Wednesday, 22 December 2021
  • Resolved
  • Selecting a hotspot and pushing the Delete button
    When selecting a hotspot and pushing the Delete button (see printscreen attached...
    0 Replies
    Posted on Wednesday, 22 December 2021
    Selecting a hotspot and pushing the Unpublish butt
    When selecting a hotspot and pushing the Unpublish button (see printscreen attac...
    0 Replies
    Posted on Wednesday, 22 December 2021
    Issue with adding new hotspot
    When creating a hotspot, yoomla gives an error: count(): Argument #1 ($value) mu...
    16 Replies
    Posted on Friday, 10 December 2021
  • Resolved
  • Links in module
    Good day! Links in my last comments module don't work. There is an Error: "...
    1 Replies
    Posted on Friday, 17 December 2021
  • Resolved