Our Joomla! Commitment
Compojoom actively participates in making Joomla! better. We believe that together with it's ecosystem Joomla is the best Content Management System out there. Empowering users from small to large businesses to deliver cutting edge solutions. Over 8000 extensions in the Joomla Extension Directory allow users to cover a lot of business cases, without the need of investing large amounts of money in reinventing the wheel.
Joomla is in difference to other open source Content Management Systems (like Wordpress with Automatic) completely community driven, without a company behind it. There are no paid employees. That makes Joomla special in many cases, but also requires the constant help of volunteers!
And we are on of them, since Compojoom started we are an active part of the community. We develop our extensions always on the latest staging version, to be sure they are still working with the next Joomla version and to help discovering issues in Joomla early. During time we submitted hundreds of issue reports and bugfixes.
Yves is member of the Joomla production leadership and the Joomla Security Strike Team and the leader of the automated testing working group, where Daniel is a member too.