Joomla 4.1.0.: COLLATION 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SET 'utf8'...
Hello Yves, Long time no see... I am still using everyday your fantastic Matukio app. We are at the edge of migrating our site to Joomla 4. I tried to install your Beta for J4 but it doesn't work on the latest version (Joomla! 4.0.3 Stable). Do...
Hallo, in individuellen Buchungsformularen werden die Teilnahmebeträge nicht mehr richtig dargestellt – Rabatte und Aufpreise können zwar gebucht werden, aber weder der Teilnahmebetrag, noch Zuschläge oder Abzüge werden im Buchungsprozess ausgegeb...
After completing a booking as a user the print-button beside the ical button opens a printwindow showing the event details instead of a logical summary of the booking. is this on purpose and how can we change that to something more usable for offices...
Emanuel Ober Matukio supporter
We are using Matukio I guess from the beginning of the extension and nearly all of our wishes could be realized step by step - thanks for the great support Is there a chance to get coupons to be selected for a whole category? We offer different ty...
I'm just optimizing my booking system and now I'm looking for a way to provide the customers certain files within the confirmation mail - this can be additional forms, regulations for test or even general standard terms and conditions. Is there a wa...
I tried to insert a PayPal QR code into the confirmation mail to enable mobile payment even if the customers did not choose PayPal as checkout. Within the template the picture (jpg) is shown but the confirmation mail just shows a placeholder... Wha...
Hi, When I try to edit a comment by clicking ContentItem, I got a blank page. Please would you help me to solve that issue? I am running CComment under Joomla 3. Thanks for your help Regards...
Amar Guillen CComment supporter
Hello, if someone makes a comment on a post via "CComment", I receive an email with the message text. In this mail is a note about the entry: "To see the comments, click here." But when I click on this link I get the error message...
Was wondering if you have intentions to make CMC work with Joomla 4?...
Hi I would like to use your cmigrator to migrate a wordpress site to a joomkla site but I have a question. Will the Posts featured image be imported to joomla an remain associated to the new joomla article? thanks...
Hi Daniel, Hope all is well with you. I am trying to get my American Legion commander, to give me the go ahead on getting Hotspots advanced. My subscription has expired, therefore in the mean time can I upload Hotspots Core over my Hotspots advanc...
When I try and install CComment Core via "Install from Web", it fails. Warning Table 'dbqtnyyvqoeyfb.#__comment_setting' doesn't exist Error Error installing component **** Can you help me troubleshoot this so I can maybe sell m...
Ich habe Matukio bereits sehr lange unter Joomla am laufen und habe nun das "Problem", dass ich die Veranstaltungen auch auf einer anderen Homepage - die allerdings unter Typo3 läuft - einbinden möchte. Ich habe in Joomla ein einfaches Tem...
"Fatal error: Stage width or height is too small to show the gallery. Traced measures: width:251px, height: 20px." every gallery view of hotspots shows this error; 6.0 pro recently renewed; joomla 3.10...
This is the second time i post this problem. The first was on 1st of January but probably no one saw it! I have an issue with com_comments! Trying to install "CComment Pro 6.1.5" on a joomla 4 environment but this is not possible. Dur...
Hello Compojoom, I changed my the template for website from yootheme avanti (where ccomment worked well) to yootheme pro (homepage builder). Under yootheme pro the ccomment blocks will not appear. Do I have to change any option, or is ccomment not...
Hello and best wishes for a happy and prosperous new year. I have an issue with com_comments! Trying to install "CComment Pro 6.1.5" on a joomla 4 environment but this is not possible. During installation i get the following error: C...
Hi! 1 month ago I migrated to Joomla 4. I have component Compojoom Installer 1.0.1. Tried to install Compojoom Installer 1.0.2, but get "Internal server error". I want to remove Compojoom Installer component, but I get the error: "C...
If I try to install CComment Pro I get a Warning "Table 'mysite.#__comment_setting' doesn't exist" with an Error "Error installing component". Does sombody have an idea why the problem occurs?...

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Last questions

I cant install
Joomla 4.1.0.: COLLATION 'utf8mb4_unicode_ci' is not valid for CHARACTER SE...
2 Replies
Posted on Saturday, 19 February 2022
Matukio for Joomla 4
Hello Yves, Long time no see... I am still using everyday your fantastic M...
22 Replies
Posted on Thursday, 16 September 2021
Individuelles Buchungsformular gibt TN-Gebühr nich
Hallo, in individuellen Buchungsformularen werden die Teilnahmebeträge nicht ...
4 Replies
Posted on Friday, 11 February 2022
  • Resolved
  • Print-content after finishing a booking
    After completing a booking as a user the print-button beside the ical button ope...
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    Posted on Thursday, 10 February 2022
    coupons valid just for certain categories of event
    We are using Matukio I guess from the beginning of the extension and nearly all ...
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    Posted on Friday, 21 January 2022