You don't answer support questions and you disabled the ticket system. Your docs are inadequate and your product is unable to be configured without any supporting instructions or tech support. How then can someone get support form you or the 30 da...
Jason Cotton Hotspots supporter
Hi guys, I am having some trouble getting Hotspots configured with Community Builder. Your Docs relating to CB do not include any instructions for adding a large number of existing profiles to the Hotspots map or for configuring the Hotspot tab on...
Jason Cotton Hotspots supporter
Hi, Where can I change the title 'Hotspots' in the map overview (see attachment). regards,...
Hello In previous versions of CComment, it was possible to enable a field in the settings for entering the website address of the commenting person. Later, this feature was removed. Will this functionality be restored? Some site administrators d...
If I want to leave a comment on a post, I click on the button and a new page with the post opens. But unfortunately there is no comment field, or input field for name, etc. I have uninstalled CComment and then reinstalled it. What could be the...
Hi there, Not sure what happened but all of a sudden nothing shows up and gives Console Errors of: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: google 4513030a68da7884e5810320f7c9833a.js [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: g...
I’ve created com_content and a module for displaying the latest comments, which works fine in Yootheme Pro. However, the comment input field is not showing up. How can I integrate this field into Yootheme Pro, or alternatively, how can I create a Joo...
Wir erhalten folgende Fehlermeldung nach einer Buchung: Die angeforderte Seite konnte nicht gefunden werden. Die Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil: ein veraltetes Lesezeichen aufgerufen wurde. eine f...
comment generates mass non-canonical links like!/comment-comment=1577...
does ccomment also work under joomla 5?...
How do you include a custom field as one of the fields in the table/list of locations?...
Hallo Yves, nach erfolgter Buchung in Matukio wird die Bestätigungsmail alle zwei Minuten verschickt. Ebenso die Mail mit der Rechnung. Das Ganze hört erst dann auf, wenn die Buchung gelöscht wird. Hast du eine Idee? Viele Grüße Sascha...
Hi Matukio Support Team, ich bin gerade dabei eine Intranetseite auf Vordermann zu bringen (noch J3 :-( und hänge gerade an der Matukiokomponente. Sie war auf Version 6.0.16, hab versucht über Erweiterungen -> Installieren die matukio Eweiterung...
Gisela Hoffmann Matukio supporter
Hallo, wenn ich Kurse dupliziere und mit Terminen versehe, werden sie über die Googlesuche schon sicht- und buchbar, obwohl sie im Backend als nicht veröffentlicht gekennzeichnet sind. Über die Seitennavigation erscheinen sie dann richtiger Weis...
Andre Wegener Matukio supporter
Hello, Several users of my customers site are reporting that they don't see new comments when they refresh their browsers. I'm noticing the same issue. I can see new ones if I go incognito but not on refresh. I believe this is a new issue since the...
Bill Bradbury CComment supporter
Hi We would like to try again as cms2cms did not work. We have installed Joomla 3 to and was wondering how the metadata worked as the link below shows the problem with cms2cms
I recently changed my blog page from showing only article intros to full articles: However the comments form only shows on each individual article page, like here: S...
Vince Bodie CComment supporter
I am not receiving notifications of new comments by email and I have searched the forums but found no solution. I believe I have everything set up correctly. How do I fix this?...
Vince Bodie CComment supporter
Hi team, I would like to know if the version of Hotspot allows to display at the top of the page a location map of all: Users, Pages, Groups, events? If so, is there a number limit? Best regards...


Is there an option to do clusters yet? Thanks for the info....
James Cochran Hotspots supporter

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Last questions

How can anyone ask for a refund or get support?
You don't answer support questions and you disabled the ticket system. Your docs...
0 Replies
Posted on Monday, 10 February 2025
How to import a large number of Community Builder
Hi guys, I am having some trouble getting Hotspots configured with Community ...
1 Replies
Posted on Thursday, 23 January 2025
Change map title
Hi, Where can I change the title 'Hotspots' in the map overview (see attachme...
3 Replies
Posted on Sunday, 05 September 2021
Comment text
When I reply to a comment as an admin, my reply is shown in bold text. It looks ...
5 Replies
Posted on Sunday, 29 December 2024
  • Resolved
  • Profile image for admin not showing
    Hi, profile image for administrator is not showing in comment.
    2 Replies
    Posted on Friday, 13 December 2024
  • Resolved