Hi guys, Just started to update my old J3x website. Is there J5 compatibility planned for Hotspots or better to upgrade my site to J4 only to keep hotspots working? Regards Tibor...
Hello. How can I increase the font size in the comment input field? For example https://aleksius.com/en/joomla-cms/extensions/joomla-backup-and-xampp-php-version-changing I find it inconvenient to enter such small text. Thanks in advance for...
Hello. When you click on the image in the comments, it does not appear in the center of the screen the first time. Only after clicking on the image again. Here is an example https://aleksius.com/joomla/samostoyatelnoe-sozdanie-sajta This situation...
Aleksej Khoroshevskij CComment supporter
Hello. In comments instead of images I see black squares. Here is an example. https://aleksius.com/joomla/rasshireniya/dj-classifieds This is a comment with ID 20159. There is a folder with files "/images/kommentarii/com_comment.comment/2...
Aleksej Khoroshevskij CComment supporter
Hello. The site has three languages. For example, a user left a comment on an article in the first language. If the moderator last visited the site in the first language, then everything is fine. The moderator will receive a notification email an...
Aleksej Khoroshevskij CComment supporter
I purchased CMigrator on compojoom.com but I can't download it. It's not possible to activate my account on compojoom.com. Your server is not sending emails. I wrote to 'daniel@compojoom.com', but no response. Can you fix this problem?...
You don't answer support questions and you disabled the ticket system. Your docs are inadequate and your product is unable to be configured without any supporting instructions or tech support. How then can someone get support form you or the 30 da...
Jason Cotton Hotspots supporter
Hi guys, I am having some trouble getting Hotspots configured with Community Builder. Your Docs relating to CB do not include any instructions for adding a large number of existing profiles to the Hotspots map or for configuring the Hotspot tab on...
Jason Cotton Hotspots supporter
Hi, Where can I change the title 'Hotspots' in the map overview (see attachment). regards,...
Hello In previous versions of CComment, it was possible to enable a field in the settings for entering the website address of the commenting person. Later, this feature was removed. Will this functionality be restored? Some site administrators d...
If I want to leave a comment on a post, I click on the button and a new page with the post opens. But unfortunately there is no comment field, or input field for name, etc. I have uninstalled CComment and then reinstalled it. What could be the...
Hi there, Not sure what happened but all of a sudden nothing shows up and gives Console Errors of: ReferenceError: Can't find variable: google 4513030a68da7884e5810320f7c9833a.js [Error] ReferenceError: Can't find variable: g...
I’ve created com_content and a module for displaying the latest comments, which works fine in Yootheme Pro. However, the comment input field is not showing up. How can I integrate this field into Yootheme Pro, or alternatively, how can I create a Joo...
Wir erhalten folgende Fehlermeldung nach einer Buchung: https://www.tsg1873.de/index.php/book Die angeforderte Seite konnte nicht gefunden werden. Die Seite kann nicht angezeigt werden, weil: ein veraltetes Lesezeichen aufgerufen wurde. eine f...
comment generates mass non-canonical links like http://zeitung.de/themen/bildung/19587-kygo-world-tour-bekanntgabe#!/comment-comment=1577...
does ccomment also work under joomla 5?...
How do you include a custom field as one of the fields in the table/list of locations?...
Hallo Yves, nach erfolgter Buchung in Matukio wird die Bestätigungsmail alle zwei Minuten verschickt. Ebenso die Mail mit der Rechnung. Das Ganze hört erst dann auf, wenn die Buchung gelöscht wird. Hast du eine Idee? Viele Grüße Sascha...
Hi Matukio Support Team, ich bin gerade dabei eine Intranetseite auf Vordermann zu bringen (noch J3 :-( und hänge gerade an der Matukiokomponente. Sie war auf Version 6.0.16, hab versucht über Erweiterungen -> Installieren die matukio Eweiterung...
Gisela Hoffmann Matukio supporter
Hallo, wenn ich Kurse dupliziere und mit Terminen versehe, werden sie über die Googlesuche schon sicht- und buchbar, obwohl sie im Backend als nicht veröffentlicht gekennzeichnet sind. Über die Seitennavigation erscheinen sie dann richtiger Weis...
Andre Wegener Matukio supporter

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Last questions

J5 compatibility for Hotspots
Hi guys, Just started to update my old J3x website. Is there J5 compatibility p...
1 Replies
Posted on Monday, 24 February 2025
  • #Hotspots
  • #hotspots Joomla 5
Text size in the comment input form
Hello. How can I increase the font size in the comment input field? For examp...
0 Replies
Posted on Wednesday, 26 February 2025
  • #CComment 6
Problem with enlarged image
Hello. When you click on the image in the comments, it does not appear in the ce...
1 Replies
Posted on Wednesday, 26 February 2025
Black square instead of images in comments
Hello. In comments instead of images I see black squares. Here is an example. h...
0 Replies
Posted on Wednesday, 26 February 2025
  • #ccoment pro
Link bug in comment emails
Hello. The site has three languages. For example, a user left a comment on an a...
3 Replies
Posted on Saturday, 15 April 2023