We had the problem that all EUR-Payments will be interpreted as US$ at 2checkout. The answer of the support: It looks like you are using the old connector for the legacy 2checkout platform. You should install the current extension which integrates...
Hallo liebes Entwicklerteam, ich habe bei drei Anmeldungen eine Inkonsistenz gehabt. Bei dem Feld Zeitnahme steht in der DB "nein". In der Bestätigungsmail steht aber "ja", siehe screenshot. Wie kommt das Zustande? Hat der Teiln...
Alexander Schwarz Matukio supporter
Hallo! Seit Umstellung auf PHP 8.0.25 funktioniert die Veröffentlichung der Veranstaltungen nicht mehr. count(): Argument #1 ($value) must be of type Countable|array, null given Bitte Hilfe Danke sigi...
Hello, is there an expected date when a stable version of Matukio will be released? We're in the process of migrating our website to Joomla! 4 and are currently using the latest Matukio dev version (RC1) on a development system. It seems to wo...
https://compojoom.com/joomla-extensions/hotspots#call-for-action see screen capture regards...
Hallo liebes Matukio Team, ich habe Joomla 4.2.2 mit PHP8.1 und bekomme bei der Installierung. des Matukio 7.1.0.beta 1 folgendes BLOB, TEXT, GEOMETRY or JSON column 'shortdesc' can't have a default value. Ich bekomme keine Version von Matu...
Hallo Yves Ich habe eine bestehende matukio 7.0.18 (Joomla 3.10.11) nach Joomla 4.2 migriert. Danach erscheint nach Aufruf der Matukio Events die Fehlermeldung "0 Class 'JEventDispatcher' not found" Gibt es dafür eine Lösung? Wie kann i...
we've been using Matukio for years and need to upgrade our host to the PHP version 8. Also I'm installing a new Joomla application, but I'm only going to be able to install Joomla 4. My question, which I have posted more than once and never got an...
Hi, I have Matukio on two website, both with Joomla 3.10.11 and PHP 8. Now I updated to the latest Matukio-Version and get on both websites following error: /*! * Compojoom 1.0.0 (https://compojoom.com) * Copyright 2014 Compojoom.com * Licensed ...
our maps cannot appear in my website https://albaghdadigroup.com/rangkaian this is not Google API issue. can you help....
Hello, We have a booking form with several fields that are automatically filled in from a Community Builder Profile. On the settingspage of Matukio we set the switch to take the information from the latest booking (if that exists). The problem is ...
Ube - Toerskien.org Matukio supporter
Good afternoon! I didn't like the extension. How can the amount paid be reclaimed? Thank you!...
Jedes Mal wenn ich in der Übersicht bin und auf das Event klicke bekomme ich folgende Fehlermeldung: 1146 Table 'usr_web28783266_4.#__hotspots_marker' doesn't exist Woran kann das liegen....
Is HotSpots Pro 8 compatible with Joomla 4...
Is it possible to integrate Vivawallet payment in Matukio? https://developer.vivawallet.com/smart-checkout/smart-checkout-integration/ It looks similar to paypal?...

Add note that view is filtered

Can I suggest a small UI modification for hotspots? It would be helpful if when viewing filtered map that a note appears below the category filter icons that user is viewing filtered results and click to remove icons to remove from filtering. I have...
Jordan Weinstein Hotspots supporter
Hi, When i try to start my migration, this not loading and i have an 500 error in my console. I my log server, i'have also the détails of this error. Can you solve this ?...
When trying to unpublish a hotspot custom field from: index.php?option=com_hotspots&view=customfields I get this error: 0 Class "JArrayHelper" not found...
Jordan Weinstein Hotspots supporter
Hotspots is perfect for what i need but I have a question regarding SEO. My sitemap generator is not picking up the locations, for example, this URL: http://mydomain.com/17:counsellor/351:andrew-cornick-counselling-and-psychotherapy I have at ...
Guten Tag, gibt es eine Möglichkeit den * bei "pro Person zu entfernen auch wenn gestaffelt Gebühren eingestellt sind? Template "Modern"...

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Last questions

2checkout plugin changes the currency
We had the problem that all EUR-Payments will be interpreted as US$ at 2checkout...
3 Replies
Posted on Wednesday, 04 January 2023
DB Eintrag unterschiedlich zur Bestätigungsmail
Hallo liebes Entwicklerteam, ich habe bei drei Anmeldungen eine Inkonsistenz g...
0 Replies
Posted on Saturday, 21 January 2023
Fehler nach Umstellung auf PHP 8.0.25 Matukio 7.0.
Hallo! Seit Umstellung auf PHP 8.0.25 funktioniert die Veröffentlichung der Vera...
5 Replies
Posted on Monday, 12 December 2022
  • Resolved
    • #Matukio
    Matukio stable version for Joomla! 4
    Hello, is there an expected date when a stable version of Matukio will be rel...
    17 Replies
    Posted on Friday, 11 March 2022
  • Resolved
    • #Matukio 7.00 RC1
    No "Subsribe zone" for Hotspot Pro In mo
    https://compojoom.com/joomla-extensions/hotspots#call-for-action see screen cap...
    1 Replies
    Posted on Monday, 16 January 2023