Is there a way to increase the zoom factor when you click Zoom to view a property?
We have a client with a lot of properties very close together and the Zoom still shows a lot of icons covering each other.
Gary Piland
Hotspots supporter
I didn't find the answer on my question in documentaion and on this forum, if I just missed it, please, let me know.
I want to know about possibilities of extencion before buying it.
How do custom fields look like from the frontend? And how many c...
in version 5.3.11 I had defined over 300 hotspots. Due to the switch to PHP 8, I have updated the hotspot core. After that, I was only shown 190 hotspots. I got the message that I also need the Hotspot Pro again. So I bought and installed the...
Hello Daniel,
I think this is a bug. I have different hotspots maps on my website splitted in countrys. And for every country I used the
Maps center: "by category marker bounds" in the menu option. But this does not work. It is still ...
Yeah it porbably was a fluke but the issue we are still having is as follow:
The hotspots are not added to the hotspots table on saving a CB profile in the backend.
Kind regards,
Nach der Installation von Matukio 7.1.7 mit Joomla 3 hat es im Frontend die Darstellung der Detailseite zerschossen. Sämtliche Raster sind weg, der Text wird abgeschnitten....
Das Matukio Search Plugin macht Fehler, siehe Screenshot. Bei Deaktivierung des Plugin funktioniert die Joomla Suche unter Joomla 4 einwandfrei. Das Matukio Search Plugin macht Probleme. Danke fürs korrigieren....
I'm using Hotspot PRO with Community Builder 3rd party. When I update a user, no Hotspot marker is created in database.
Looks like I'm not the one (see here
I've got the same configuration...
Hallo Daniel,
jetzt habe ich noch ein anderes Problem, das aber auch Joomla 3 betrifft.
Die Teilnehmer können sich nicht als Gast anmelden. Das Problem liegt in untenstehender Beschreibung.
Beim Erstellen einer neuen Veranstaltung->kostenpfl...
Hubert Beck
Matukio supporter
Hallo Daniel,
ich habe das Modul " Organisers - Matukio Events" eingerichtet. Dabei ist mir aufgefallen, dass das Kontaktformular nicht mehr angezeigt wird.
Bei der Fehlersuche habe ich festgestellt, dass das Modul auf die Joomla-Kompon...
Hubert Beck
Matukio supporter
I upgraded from Joomla 3.10.x to Joomla 4.2.8 two days ago, and just created my first new hotspot after the upgrade.
I wasn't able to save, due to the fact there was no default value set in the column 'import_table' of the database jos_hotspots...
Pim van Wijngaarden
Hotspots supporter
I've been testing out CComment Core as a replacement for JComments and I have a couple of questions about the Pro product before doing an upgrade.
1. I the core product I can find no way to set the display sequence for old comments so that the ...
I need to show hotspots on a map. How can i do it?, thanks....
Hello! I have presales question about CMigrator.
I need to migrate from WP to Joomla.
WP articles contains links to other WP article. Will they work in Joomla site?
WP site have many comments. Will these comments migrate to some of Joomla comments...
Hi, I've just installed CComments Core as a possible replacement for my JComments system.
If I go to the import option and select 'General Import' I get the response:
500 behavior::framework not found.
I presume I have messed up the install o...
Currently my Hotspots is just a blank white page and I'm not sure why. Also, HotSpots is showing on the page as the title, which I didn't have before. Can you help?
Hallo Yves,
bei der Umstellung von Joomla 3 auf J4 habe ich ein Problem mit der Migration.
Ich habe unsere bestehende Homepage (PHP 7.4,33, Matukio 7.1.3) dupliziert und unter neuem Namen auf J4 umgestellt.
Bei der Test Homepage funktioniert jed...
Hubert Beck
Matukio supporter
I upgraded Joomla to Version 4 and re-installed CComment. Comments and settings were still there but it the front-end I get the following error when trying to submit a new comment.
'We are sorry but something went wrong with your request. Try agai...
I hope to deal with the post joomla 4 upgrade "We are sorry but something went wrong with your request. Try again and if it doesn't work notify the system administrator." problem SAP but want to make sure before I uninstall then rei...
Just upgraded to 6.1.9
CComment let me make one comment but I can't publish it in the back end - the publish/unpublish icon is missing and if I click on the link to publish I get "0 Class "JArrayHelper" not found" error message...
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Last questions
Is there a way to increase the zoom factor when you click Zoom to view a propert...
2 Replies
Posted on Monday, 18 September 2017
I didn't find the answer on my question in documentaion and on this forum, if I ...
1 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 07 March 2023
- #CComment
- #custom fields
- #frontend
in version 5.3.11 I had defined over 300 hotspots. Due to the switch to ...
5 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 07 March 2023
Hello Daniel,
I think this is a bug. I have different hotspots maps on my we...
4 Replies
Posted on Sunday, 26 February 2023
Yeah it porbably was a fluke but the issue we are still having is as follow:
10 Replies
Posted on Friday, 03 February 2023