Hi, I've made changes on components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_hotspots/hotspots.php file in order to choose category according to a CB Field. For example, 2 categories : cat id 1 : user with recent coordinates - blue ICON cat id 2 : us...
I have looked all over the site, and I do not see where I can download the Pro version of C Comment. I have an active subscription and need the latest version of this item. Why is it so hard to find something that should be so simple to obtain as a...
Hello! We have a problem with certificate notifications. The PDFs are not attached to the email. How can we solve it? Can you please help us with that?...
Ok, so I have hotspots which I bought a few months ago, and I have been adding locations to my map and this works very well. However, Its taking a long time because I have over 4000 entries to add!! I am about a third of the way through and I have...

Integration to com_contact

Dear staff, is it possible to integrate com_contact component?...
We are upgrading J3 to J4 and we see that the Tiles Display is rendered differently then before. We would like to have 4 events in one row. So each event needs to take 25% from the total width. In the previous version and with the same settings this...
Im receinving an error when validating de google api key. https://localhost/testehttps:/maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=??????<--my key it's correct in here. The problem i think shoul be the link because strats with my localhost were im...
Any idea when support will be online again? Greetings, René...
Rene ten Dam Hotspots supporter
Hallo Yves wie kann ich es machen, dass im Buchungsformular bei Mobile das +41 angeseigt wird. es löscht mir immer das + beim speichern. Danke...
Checking for latest update by using the reload updated information icon in the backend produces the following error: An error has occurred. 404 Component not found....
Neil Ireland Matukio supporter
I'm trying to create a new location in Matukio Events. When I do so I get the following error: 42 Field 'created_by' doesn't have a default value...
Neil Ireland Matukio supporter
Guten Tag Matukio Teams, ich habe gerade Matukio auf 7.2.6 umgestiegen von 7.2.4...und schon da hatte ich problem mit Custom Fields, die werden zwar problemlos erstellt, aber wenn ich Veranstaltung aufmachen, dann kriege ich eine Fehler. (s. Anha...
Hello I have a lot of problems to display a map adapted to the desired zoom level when I chose to center the map on the user's location. The map is always displayed with a zoom level between 8 and 10 instead of 16 or 17 as I set in the map menu ...
I no longer have access to the backend of the old site and can't recall, nor can I find, what the code is to display an individual hotspot map in a joomla article. Sorry and thanks, Scott...
Hallo Daniel, nochmals zur Terminerstellung im Frontend: Ich möchte eine neue Veranstaltung erstellen. Wenn ich nun den Termin eingeben möchte erschint hier bereits ein Termin aus einer vorhergehenen Veranstaltung (Termin erstellen 1). Nach dem L...
Hubert Beck Matukio supporter
Hello. I have the same problem as described here https://compojoom.com/forum/post/pictures-in-the-comments Examples: https://aleksius.com/joomla/rasshireniya/sp-page-builder-4-v-joomla-4 https://aleksius.com/joomla/samostoyatelnoe-sozdanie-sajta...
My map is not showing up on the frontend. What can it be? the API is working normally. https://cismasaude.com.br/institucional/municipios-atendidos...
Hello, I want to use CMigrator to move Wordpress articles to Joomla. Since there is a lot of 'old' content in the WP site I like to remove, I was wondering if the publish date of the WP articles move along to the Joomla articles. Then I can sele...
Where is the download link for Hotspots PRO Joomla 4? The JED states it's available for J4, your website download section states it's not! So, is it or not? If so, where do I download it? If not I'll take a refund thanks!...
Hallo ich habe zu Joomla 4 mit der neusten Matukio Version migriert, das hat gut geklappt. Nun habe ich zwei neue Kategorien erstellt (Fahrschule mit div. Standorten für Kurse), an sich alles schon x-mal gemacht. Jetzt jedoch erhält der Bucher ei...
Ates Oetztuerk Matukio supporter

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Last questions

Community Builder : category depends on CB Field
Hi, I've made changes on components/com_comprofiler/plugin/user/plug_hotspots...
0 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 06 June 2023
Download Pro Version of C Comment
I have looked all over the site, and I do not see where I can download the Pro v...
1 Replies
Posted on Sunday, 28 May 2023
  • #download
Certificates are not attached to the email
Hello! We have a problem with certificate notifications. The PDFs are not attach...
0 Replies
Posted on Monday, 22 May 2023
How do i add locations automatically from google m
Ok, so I have hotspots which I bought a few months ago, and I have been adding l...
0 Replies
Posted on Sunday, 21 May 2023
  • #google maps
  • #locations
Integration to com_contact
Dear staff, is it possible to integrate com_contact component?...
0 Replies
Posted on Wednesday, 17 May 2023