Migrating Articles from Wordpress to Joomla via a Database overwrites existing ones. Is there a possibility to just ADD them to the existing articles? I need both, the old ones as well as the new ones that i am migrating from a wordpress site. Reg...
Hi, We've had CComment working great on the website for over a year but having problems & unable to use the comment form. The display on the page is not right - code showing, no formatting. Please see attached screen grab. I've tried changing...
Hallo Ich möchte ein benutzerdefiniertes Feld nur auf bestimmten Formularen anzeigen. Leider kann ich bei "When to show - Categories" die Kategorien nicht auswählen, es werden einfach alle aufgeführt. Wie kann ich das ändern? Danke für ei...
Hallo ich erhalte nach Update folgende Fehlermeldung beim Absenden der Buchung: Notice: Undefined property: stdClass::$booking_form in /home/fahrprof/www/http://XXX.ch/joomla/administrator/components/com_matukio/helpers/cforms.php on line 159...
Hi Yves, jedes Jahr um diese Zeit tauchen mit der Programmgestaltung neue Fragen auf. Ist es möglich bei der Veranstaltungsübersicht den Filter unter "Daten" um "Veranstaltungen nächstes Jahr" zu erweitern?...
Hubert Beck Matukio supporter
Hello, I have newest CComments installed on my site. CComments works in Blogs and non-Featured Articles. Featured Articles I get the text box, but it does not turn to editor and there is no way to "send" the comment. Any idea why ...
Hallo Yves, nach langer Zeit melde ich mich mal wieder mit einer Frage. Ist es möglich, dass bei "Event Table" und "Event Table (category)" auch der Veranstalter mit aufgeführt ist? Grüße Hubert...
Hubert Beck Matukio supporter
Hallo, ich möchte gerne alle Veranstaltungen, Buchungen, sowie die dazugehörigen Einstellungen (Kategorien, Veranstaltungsorte, Veranstalter etc.) exportieren und auf einer neuen Seite, wo die aktuelle Matukio Version live ist, installieren. Wie ma...
Ates Oetztuerk Matukio supporter
Lieber Support, nach jahrelanger Nutzungszeit kommen wir jetzt an Limits in der Darstellung. Für gegebenen Matukio Events haben wir jetzt für Oktober neue Termine angelegt, die aber in der Konfigurationsseite unten nicht mehr angezeigt werden. A...
It would be nice if the CMC module was less confusing for already subscribed users. At present it shows "You are already subscribed to our newsletter" [Change Subscription] as a button [text before as specified in module] [email and ...
How can I make the label field for the Custom fields in the submission form bigger/longer? For instance if the field is supposed to say "Classes for Children and Youth," it shows up as "Classes for Child..." The attachments a...
Carol Jones Hotspots supporter
Joomla 4 The installation of ccomment pro does not work properly. Where can I enter the download ID? The link to the info ends up at 404...

A noob query

Hi all. Since I don't want to see mootools scripts from the hotspot extension, is there any way to turn it off or hide it away? Thanks in advance....
Hello, I just installed CComments and believe I have I have it set up correctly. I see the ability to post a comment on the main page and I put in a comment and click on Add New, but nothing happens. I am running the latest version of Joomla 4...
5 Must-Read Colleen Hoover Books Hoover's debut novel, the New York Timesbestseller Slammed, was self-published in 2012. Her first novel to be published by a traditional publishing house was Hopeless in December 2012. To date, Hoover has published...
Hi, i love the flexible feature of haveing "custom fields". It makes Matukio to fin many-many use cases, and met many business requirement I had in the last 3 years. I've included 3 custom fields already mainly as meta information for ad...

How to register and use Joomla?

How To Fix Skipping Sewing Machine Stitches Skipping stitches is one of the most common sewing machine problems. While tangled bobbin thread will stop you from sewing immediately, your machine skips one or two stitches might not sound like a bi...
I bought the ccomment pro, i can not install with the installer, and the version i can download seems to be ccomment basic... were can i get the ccomment pro to download...
CCOMMENT works well thanks!... Been using Joomla etc for many years so (hopefully) know my way around it and the many modules/plugins/components it offers, however for some reason even though I have ccomment set to 'auto-publish anonymous comments, I...
we updated to the latest Joomla version 3.9.25 recently. there seems to be a problem with the matukio-search plugin. frontend and backend (search) exits with an 500 server error. looking in the php logs, the logged error is: PHP Fatal error: Constan...
Emanuel Ober Matukio supporter

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