Hi, I just bought the Matukio Events and tried to install the extension via Compojoom Installer. However, when I tried to install the Compojoom Installer, it says Internal Server Error. Is there any other way to install the Events plugin? Also, I ...
Hi, How do I enable/disable comments for a category? Or menu/menu item? I can't find anything in the settings. I have the free version - should it be possible? Many thanks, Helen...
Hi! I have an older version of the plugin for HotSpots locations to integrate with a Community Builder profile through a Hotspots "tab" that integrates into Community Builder. I hadn't implemented this yet, but was planning to do so. ...
Good day! After updating joomla 3.10 to j4, I got a JS error, the comments form is not displayed....
Hello, can I use "CComment" to leave a opinion/comment as a menu item and not for every article? Something like that: https://www.fakturabm.pl/program-do-faktur/opinie Works with PHP8?...
Hi, My hotspots professional 5.4.14 stopped displaying the satellite view and instead now only shows the text 'Sorry we have no imagery here.' Switching to map view works fine, but I want to use satellite view. I verified my API which is working f...
Pim van Wijngaarden Hotspots supporter
Hi, is your component (CMigrator) compatible with Joomla 4? Thanks, Lorenzo...
Hi Daniel I have seen that there were several displays possible for the image slideshow in the new hotspot component. Could you tell me where to customize what in order to get for instance a white background ? Thanks in advance Jean...
Hotspots map was working and has now stopped working. Message on the map says for development purposes only....
Dear Compojoom: Hi, I write because I have the same problem fram when I start using hotspots. My problen is that images load in a very big format and I don´t know why this can be, please check in https://datobarrio.cl/index.php/atacama-reg/50:mas...
Hello, I am trying to install the Pro version of Ccomment and I keep getting the following error. Class "JEventDispatcher" not found The installation of the core component works, but unfortunately the switch to Pro does not work. ...
Hi, I'm using Joomla 3.10.2 and the mailchimp Newsletter-Plugin Version 4.1.2 . For some reason there is a error message, that appears after new subscriptions: "400: test4@stephxxxxrk.de is already a list member. Use PUT to insert or updat...
Hey Yves, folgendes Problem hat sich entwicklelt und es ist nicht ganz klar wie das gelöst werden kann. Folgende situation ergibt sich: Der Teilnehmer hat die Möglichkeit einen Kurs zu buchen. Er wählt die Zahlart Paypal aus und wird zu Paypal...
1. I need to change the title "hotspots" where? 2. i need to remove the directions feature completely.. it is bad. and add the normal google directions link instead 3. the URL hotspot#2-3 etc.. i want it to be Location 4. I need to set &...
Hi! Thanks so much for this brilliant extension and for offering the option to get a light and free version. I know that this is an old version, but in the latest version there is no emoticon in the core version anymore, but it is listed as availab...
In satellite view on: https://www.padleopplevelser.no/index.php/no/overnattingsplasser/overnattingssteder-i-faerder-nasjonalpark#59.1868335/10.5269623/11 it does not work, it only say: Sorry, we have no imagery here? How do i fix this ?...
what can i do ?...
Hi, I have checked my matukio-based page with google Pagespeed Insights, and it turned out, that google map api script slows down the page a lot. (I'm using Map - Matukio Events modul). Could you implement the third party scripts with defer and...
For a long while the images when viewed on full screen (laptop) have been truncated top and bottom; the full image only displays correctly on phone-size screens; I have just updated to version but this problem persists. I have 30 days to renew my sub...
I've been simplifying my. Joomla site to the bare bones for the sake of keeping some material on board but not being active. I'm no longer using the CComment plugin. I've removed everything that I'm not using but the CComment plugin remains and when ...

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