Good day, Is CMandrill still working? I installed it yesterday and as I was trying to get it to work and went into activity (not the first time but a few times later) I started getting error messages that made me return to the control panel. I uni...
We have an event with 3 parts. On the event detail page it looks like this atm (see screenshots) Only the last date is not shown in the calendar. we have not tested other situations (i.e. more dates) yet. This seems to be a bug! i have just don...
Emanuel Ober Matukio supporter
Is there a way to allow users to click on a location on the front end and to enter data associated with that georeferenced hot spot? I've not found in the documentation how to do this, nor looking at configuration. Thanks!...
Hallo zusammen, Ich benutze Hotspot-Pro und habe bemerkt, dass die Routenberechnung nicht mehr funktioniert, bitte um Hilfe,... Danke Hier der Link:
Becker Sascha-Andre Hotspots supporter
Hallo Yves, leider suche ich bestimmt noch vergeblich nach der Möglichkeit. Für unsere Zwecke benötigen wir die möglichkeit, addinional dates angezeigt werden. Gibt es da kurzfristig eine möglichkeit? Prio ist schon hoch bei uns. Des weiteren g...
Hello, I have installed matukio on my website, but I have disabled the search engine of my website. Please help me. Vladimir...
hello, we received mail from google today, telling us the following about the events of your component. do you already know about this? there seem to be attributes requested by google which is influencing the search result ranking. message in sear...
Emanuel Ober Matukio supporter
Hi, I'd like to ask 3 things: 1. What kind of captcha you have integrated and where can I see it? 2. Is there any way to integrate any antispam other than captcha-recaptcha? For example, if I install a different service and set it as the Joomla de...
Hi, I just installed ccomment pro on my site and imported all comments from jcomments successfully, but there are 2 issues: 1. Looks like the imported doesn't respect line breaks. Now all comments are single paragraph with the <br /> tag visi...
I am experiencing a "freeze" when I work on Hotspots from the back end. I do not have this problem with any of the other components on my website.. Initially I raised a bug about not being able to delete images. I then discovered that this...
Hallo zusammen, wir haben seit kurzem das Problem das unsere Anmeldung nicht mehr richtig funktioniert. Beim Anmelden an einen Kurs wird der Betrag zwar zur Auswahl angezeigt aber der Warenkorb wird nicht aktualisiert. Woran kann das liegen? hi...
Hello, I have a question about Ccomment free version Why are the emoticons missing in the add a comment function? I searched by all means but found nothing for them to be visible! Can you help me thank you....
Hi, Is there any way to increase the captcha image size? The image is 103px wide, and the letters are hard to read, especially for older people....
Hi Team, We have enable Send Map option in hotspot but we are not receiving any mail after submit.can you check this issue as soon as....
Hello Please assist me i installed CComment Core component and configured and plugin enabled but i still can not view where to insert the comment on front end as the super user. regards,...
Hi I can not delete photos from Locations. I tried deleting them using the Delete button but nothing happens. The second problem is the quality of the display of the photos in hotspots. It is not the quality of the photos but the display thereof ...
Hello, have Matukio installed and than i had the migration started. The popup window is now more than 30 minutes without a reaction. How long goes this in the normal case? Gives a complete actual Matukio-installation, without migration? sinser...
Hi Team, We are trying to add location and setting in hotspot map, but we are not getting any option for that. Can you resolve this issue as soon as. Because we are running on live instance....
Hi I get this error when trying to instal the update.... Warning Error connecting to the server: 403 Before updating ensure that the update is compatible with your Joomla! installation. You are strongly advised to make a backup of your instal...
Hello, I just bought ccomment pro and need a easy way to migrate from JComments to ccomments. Thoughts? Thanks in advanced....

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