Why does it sometimes not show me the location correctly, especially outside the city? Is it possible that something is not set correctly? I am sending a picture in the attachment......
I had a couple of questions that I was able to resolve on my own, however one issue is how we get get smart search results to hyperlink where the results came from. Thanks in advance. ~ Scott...
Why uploading image to hotspots does not work for me? - processing and won't finish...
Hello. I am not very familiar with wordpress and I have to import content from an old site to a new joomla. I guess it was built with an old version of wordpress, but I don't know that for sure. Can you help me figure this out (perhaps by table struc...
I had a few questions, and I managed to find answers for most of them on my own. However, there is one issue remaining: I'm unsure how to make smart search results hyperlink to their respective sources. Any assistance on this matter would be greatly ...
ich habe kürzlich Matukio auf unserer Joomla4 Seite komplett runter geworfen, da es Probleme gab. Nachdem ich alles bereinigt habe auch die Datenbank, hab ich Matukio 7.2.6 neu aufgespielt und alle Einstellungen aus einem früheren Backup per Hand wi...
Hi I have a question about HotSpot - Mapview. I've uploaded several 36 different hotspots with content to youtube videos (example https://youtu.be/qIM-HxgqvC8?t=9m36s) The problem is that loading Mapview is very slow. See website https://www.ope...
Is there a way to specify the pages that ccomment will appear? I do not want to all of my articles to allow for comments...
Lynn Formica CComment supporter
Hilfe... Auf der Event-Übersichtsseite wird der Betrag korrekt angezeigt. Aber auf der Buchungsseite steht 0. Auch eventuelle "selectable fee options" werden nicht dazu addiert. Flex ...
Citizens for Legislative Change, America. Averaging 20,000 unique visitors a day. [url]http://www.cfcamerica.org[/url] Thank you guys for Joomla Comment!...
Hi Daniel, can you put in the roadmap this error to solve, which appears in the google console? Google Maps JavaScript API has been loaded directly without a callback. This is not supported and can lead to race conditions and suboptimal performanc...
Hi Just moved site to J4. It was an option on my J3 install but not when changed over to J4 with a new install of 6.1.10. I think my J3 had a previously registered Pro. Is the module Latest Comments only available through Ccomment Pro? Any ...
Hello. I have updated russian translation for Hotspots 6.0.12. You can find other versions of the translation on my website https://aleksius.com/joomla/rusifikatory/rusifikator-hotspots -/- Здравствуйте. Я обновил перевод на русский язык для...
Bitte um Hilfe habe jetzt unter joomla 4 matukio zum laufen gebracht - allerdings verweigert das paypal plugin seinen dienst. bei gleicher konfiguration wie unter joomla 3 bekomme ich einen server error. google war bis dato nicht hilfreich...

Change field types

Hello I am trying add a field to segment my audiences but when I add the additional field it appears as a text box not a drop down. Please see screen shot. Thanks D...
Hi, Please notice 2 bugs on com_hotspots/layouts/hotspots/single-map.php map_height and zoom doesn't exist anymore. You need to change to map_height_single and map_startzoom_single on line 43 HotspotsHelperUtils::createJSConfig(array...
Hi! In the backend view of the comments list the image for 'published' is missing. https://drive.google.com/uc?id=1lvF29uu0MdZOL_ltCUW9pEhfDuXXrnKr...
Jip Jonker CComment supporter

Backend: Menü Vorlagen crashed

Hallo liebes Support Team, ich bin noch mit Joomla 3.10.11 unterwegs und habe Matukio 7.1.11 installiert. Was aber nicht sauber läuft. Wenn ich im Backend das Menu "Konfiguration" und dann "Vorlagen" anklicke; crashed das Menü....
Alexander Schwarz Matukio supporter

Category ID into class

Hi, Would it be possible to add the ID of marker category into the class of item list ? For instance, "catid-10" for category_id = 10 : <div class="hs-tab-list-item catid-10" id="hs-hotspot-id-67" data-id="67"> <div cl...
Hello support, we have a problem with the matukio calendar module for a few days (we guess). while initial loading of the event-list page the calendar in a module position doesn't show events as bubbles anymore. clicking to the next month shows 'Janu...

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Last questions

Inaccurate location indication
Why does it sometimes not show me the location correctly, especially outside the...
1 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Comments not hyperlinked in smart search results.
I had a couple of questions that I was able to resolve on my own, however one is...
8 Replies
Posted on Saturday, 22 July 2023
uploading image to hotspots does not work for me -
Why uploading image to hotspots does not work for me? - processing and won't fin...
1 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 11 July 2023
Help! How do I find out if an old site was built w
Hello. I am not very familiar with wordpress and I have to import content from a...
1 Replies
Posted on Thursday, 20 July 2023
  • #CMigator
how to make smart search results hyperlink
I had a few questions, and I managed to find answers for most of them on my own....
1 Replies
Posted on Saturday, 12 August 2023