1. Jason Cotton
  2. Installation
  3. Thursday, 23 January 2025
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi guys,

I am having some trouble getting Hotspots configured with Community Builder. Your Docs relating to CB do not include any instructions for adding a large number of existing profiles to the Hotspots map or for configuring the Hotspot tab on user profiles.

A have some questions. Hoping you can assist.

Is it possible to import a large number of Community Builder profiles into Hotspots without having to add them as a new Hotspot one by one?
I have almost 3,000 users. I would like to plot all of them on a single map.
I have each of their Lat and Lng co-ordinates already within the CB database from a previous map component. I can't find any useful information within the Docs about how to import those profiles/locations from CB or in fact any way for Admin to even add a single existing user's profile to Hotspots.

My users are various types of schools. Ideally I would like to have a different icon for each different category of school. Most schools will fit into one of 3 main categories (early learning, primary, secondary). But they also fit into other categories (for example... boys-only, girls only, co-educational, boarding school). I am wondering if a school can belong to multiple categories?
For example School A is a girls-only primary school.
School B is a boys-only primary school.
School C is a boys only primary and secondary school.
Is it possible to select two categories or more? I can only see a drop-down for selecting a single category but that is not useful if a school must be in multiple categories.

How do I edit the size of the map that is displayed on a user profile? That map appears to be fixed at 300px high and has a large greyed out strip across it (which seems like a bug).

I need each Hotspot to link to the school's CB profile page. It seems the only link appears after hovering over the avatar thumbnail (which is not very useful because mots visitors would never find the link) but most of my users don't have an avatar so there is no link at all. If there is no link to the school's profile the map is effectively no use for my site. My site visitors need a map that offers more than just directions to a location. They will use the map to find schools near to them, possibly get directions but more commonly will want to click through to the full profile of that school.

I'm currently working on a development site to upgrade from Joomla 3 to 4. It is still running on older versions of PHP and MySQL but I plan to upgrade those once everything is fully configured and ready to go live.
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