Hi as in the atteched image if i click on the right frame were the descritpion is showing on a link to a specific external page i get a pop up with error "server response 0"" if problem persist contct administrator...then the message ...
 Ηι one more question i saw the {hotspot hotspot=1} plugin ..and i tried it but i get only the text on the article {hotspot hotspot=1} and the plugin is not loaded is this a future intergration tha will be in a next update?...
 It would be nice in the next release to ba able to set a different start map zoom when displaying one hotspot and the general map Thank you...
 I would like to include hotspots in my joomla core search, as I remember there was a plugin for that, but I don't find it on your website Where can I find IT ?...
Klickt man auf Kalender-Datei herunterladen, dann erscheint die Joomla-Fehlerseite mit: 500 Fehler: View nicht gefunden [Name, Typ, Präfix]: ics, html, matukioView VG Dieter...
  Hello. I almost finished the translation Hotspots in Russian on opentranslators.transifex.com. I have 2 questions. What is KML and what it means COM_HOTSPOTS_KML_MANGLED_FILE = "Mangled file"?...
Hallo Yves, leider überträgt auch 2.1.1 keinen Namen und die E-Mail-Adresse. Dadurch erhält der Teilnehmer keine Bestätigung und der Veranstalter keine Teilnehmer-Daten zur Bearbeitung in der Mail mit der Anmeldungsinfo. Woran liegt dies? Nach de...
 Ich muss Joomla 3.0 für die VHS einrichten und darauf Matukio installieren. Leider funktioniert es nicht....
 Using the "Rocket Theme - RT Momentum" template, if the Event Page is set to the websites home page, two strange things occur. (1) I receive the following error when trying to review the participants "500 - View not found [name, ty...
 When I am selecting hotspot submission layout its giving me error shown in the screenshot below #403 You are not authorised to view this resource am I doing something wrong? Please let me know....
 When I am selecting hotspot submission layout its giving me error shown in the screenshot below #403 You are not authorised to view this resource am I doing something wrong? Please let me know....
Hi, When "Allow users to edit their booking?" is set to "No", users can still cancel their booking in both the old system and new system. Can you please look into this?...
I switched for testing to the old booking form and now I cant switch back any more. The option "Use Old Bookingform" is set to No. The field #__matukio_settings old_bookingform is not existing in the Database... Joomla 2.5.7 with Matuk...
 In the address beneath, I would like remove the description that is added in the hotspot. So when you click it, only appears "ver más" and then, you can only see the description once you are at the location chosen. http://www.nksnow.com...
Please reference "#227: Pre-populate registration form based on logged on user" I am launching my new website on November 1st, and I need the ability for registered users to sign up simply by clicking "Book" and it will capture...
Is there a way to set the sliding panel to hidden by default ? Sincerely yours...
 My map is completely empty when I don't select a shadow for the selected category. Everything is fine when a shadow is selected from an uploaded file Version is 3.1.1...
Hello, I have a Joomla 1.5 site and have HotSpots 2.0.5 Installed. I would like to know why when select to create a new marker at the frontend the description small and description fileds are plain text field and do not display the editor butto...
 Hallo, ich hab in der aktuellen Version (2.1.0) wie im Anhang zu sehen ein Problem mit der Eventlist. Die Anzeige "aktuelle Veranstaltungen" funktioniert nicht, da auch alte Einträge angezeigt werden. Außerdem kann ich über "next...

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How to allow users to submit location hotspot?
How do I provide my users with a "Submit a location" feature? i.e. As ...
4 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 16 February 2016
Download calendar file saves .ics.html
Hello, When I book an event and click on the calendar-file it downloads an .ic...
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Posted on Tuesday, 04 October 2016
Überlappender Text im Informationsframe
Hallo, Im Infoframe in einer Veranstaltung überlappen sich Textbereiche (siehe ...
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Posted on Monday, 03 October 2016
New Hotspot ID = 0
 Hi Support, All of the sudden all the NEW HOTSPOT id become 0 (zero). Tha...
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Posted on Saturday, 03 September 2016
  • Resolved
  • Show one category inside article
    Hi there, I was wondering, is it possible to show a single category inside an...
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    Posted on Saturday, 01 October 2016