Our captcha image is very small and we're received complaints that it is too small to see. I wondered how we could make it bigger. It is currently 103x21 pixels. I can maybe edit the code if I knew where the size is specified in and if making it l...
Hi, I am not sure if this is a newbie or a wishlist topic, but being a newbie I will post it here.. Is there an integration with Joomla search available for JoomlaComment? (e.g. in the search results see also results from comments, that when c...
I don't think I see an option, in the backend for this. As comments grow will I jut have one giant long page? or can I set increments or the # of comments before it will split into pages?...
First off, you guys are doing some great work on a fantastic piece of software. I am very appreciative of all that you do. Now, does to business. I have a site that is about to be launched that requires comments. I am using Joomla! 1.5.5 as it ...
Hi. Just installed Joomla comment. But there is no number of hits or views showing. What do I wrong?...
Hello, There are several primary issues, besides stability, I am trying to figure out with JC. Also trying to figure out what I am getting into beforehand. 1) Is there only one template version available? 2) Which is in control of look, site...
Hi, i installed this component and when I want to open it I get the following error. What should I do? Warning: loadadminloadlanguage(/srv/www/htdocs/sporttest/administrator/components/com_comment/admin_language/) [function.loadadminloadlanguag...
Sorry for the newbie, in which file should i look for to find the (Sébastien Brulez) shown in the default-emotop template?...
I get the following error when I try to install JoomlaComment 3.26 in Joomla 1.5.3 [client] PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /home/....../public_html/libraries/joomla/filesystem/archive/zip.php on li...
Is there a roadmap?? Will be good to know nexts feautures....
HI, When installation of joomlacomment.3.26 UTF8 in JOOMLA 1.5.5 is getting error as There was a problem with your installation error when moving /var/hsphere/local/home/taastech/http://beliefcorner.org/administrator/components/com_commen...
Hi there, just installed the comment component, and received this: There was a problem with your installation jos_comment update : - voting_yes exist. - voting_no exist. - parentid exist. - email exist. - website exist. - notify exist. - ...
Hi there, just installed the comment component, and received this: There was a problem with your installation jos_comment update : - voting_yes exist. - voting_no exist. - parentid exist. - email exist. - website exist. - notify exist. - ...
Hello, JOOMLACOMMENT, a great component with a lot of parameters. I have just a problem with it. I insert little pictures in articles ( category= news. ). The text of these articles is short and the first line of Joomlacomment (Comments, Add New, ...
Hello guys. 1st of all, thanks for this great component you made! Well, I installed but when I try to comment, I get this: Host has last PHP, MySQL - 5.0.45-log, phpMyAdmin - Funny is, on localhost on my pc, it is working perfect! S...
I tested !JoomlaComment v3.26 with my Joomla! 1.0.15 installation today. My testing website is in Chinese language and utf-8 encoding. I had enabled AJAX in the backend of this component. When posting new comment in Chinese language, there will...
Help! I have installed the joomlacomment component, and I have made some changes to the english.php language file, installed the com, and now : Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /var/www/vhosts/http://iced-earth.net/subdomains/m...
The avatars in the demo seem far too small. I cannot find any documentation either. Please help...:blink:...
OK, I am a real newb and I am just getting into this stuff. I think that this will work out for me, but before I dive too deeply into it I just have four questions, please?? 1. Does this extension allow users to post a new topic that other people ...
Hi, Very cool component! (Thanks!) I have a question about the censoring of comments. Actually, I want to know if this feature works like the banlist in Wordpress? So that spam comments can be banned entirely if they contain certain words and if th...

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