1. Nicholas Covolus
  2. Newbies area
  3. Tuesday, 12 August 2008
  4.  Subscribe via email
First off, you guys are doing some great work on a fantastic piece of software. I am very appreciative of all that you do.

Now, does to business. I have a site that is about to be launched that requires comments. I am using Joomla! 1.5.5 as it is the most recent stable version. It would be optimal to launch the site without needing to use legacy support so it is most easily maintained going forward. Although I don't want to be "that guy", I will anyway. When do you estimate that !JoomlaComment 4 will be done? I understand fully if it is "when it's done", but I was just wondering if you had any idea.

Also, what are the key new features of it?

Thanks for everything!
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