Hallo Yves, könntet ihr die Möglichkeit schaffen, dass man bei den jeweiligen Anpassungen für die verschiedenen Kurse in der Benutzerdefinierten Buchungs-Email (Bestätigungsmail) Dateien anhängen kann (z.B. PDF-Dokumente u.a.), die der Teilnehmer ...
Andre Wester Matukio supporter
Hi, I apologize but browsing your forum I did not find a solution to my problem, so I try to write to you. In the meantime, thank you for publishing this component for free. I have installed the CMC component on a Joomla 3.9.23. I have corre...
Hi, I purchased the Pro version of CComments and so far it has worked perfectly, however I am setting up an online store with Hikashop and it is giving me problems with replies to comments on Hikashop dynamic product pages. When a comment is answer...
Hallo, eine Frage: Gibt es eine einfache Möglichkeit eine E-Mail Vorlage für eine abgesagte Veranstaltung zu erstellen? Ich möchte gerne ein etwas ausführliche (und nettere) Veranstaltungsabsage an die Gäste senden, welche eine Veranstaltung gebuc...
Selam Ebead Matukio supporter
Hallo, 2 Fragen oder Bitten (siehe Anhang): Zeitverschiebung in der Liste "Alle Veranstaltungen" um eine Stunde Vergrösserung des Auswahlfeldes "Alle Veranstaltungen" Zu 1: Dieses Problem begleitet mich von Anfang an. I...
Selam Ebead Matukio supporter
HI there, Recently, when creating new articles the CComment entry box is missing; however it displays the Comments powered by CComment. Any ideas please The first link here is with no CComment (at bottom) https://exploringtheturkishkitchen...
Comments made on events are shown at the homepage of our site. The links to read More go to an error page: Error 0, Class 'MatukioHelperRoute' not found. Apparently some class is missing from Matukio?...
Ube Matukio supporter
I have a number of hotspots defined and custom icons for them. When a hotspot is clicked on in the map view the detail panel appears (which is expected) but the icon in the map gets overlaid with a standard marker icon. How can this marker icon b...
Hi, is there anyway I can disable the powered by CComment dispay because the selection to disable it on the backend doesn't work. Also the merge CComments to my jomsocial activity stream plugin doesn't seem to work either unless I misunderstood how t...
Hello I have a problem adding a image in the backend of a hotspot Even i upload or drag drop it, there is a fail "Error Unknown error" and then I can click cancel Is there a setting i need to do?...
Hi, I've had someone tell me she couldn't leave a comment on one my blog posts - I don't think it matters which post, but here's a link to the one she wanted to comment on: https://tallandtrue.com.au/blog/to-kindle-or-not-to-kindle I tested...
Robert Fairhead CComment supporter
I've used Hotspots_Pro in the past and it worked very well indeed!! Now I'm back to it and I've tested the new core version. I would like to know if the Pro version allows us to use another editor in the "Description" field in the backe...
Hi Guys, I'm trying to find a solution to allow dated notes to be added to a user profile - we are using Easy Profile to allow "Consultant" user group to access their "client" profiles but we need to ability for the "Consulta...
The feature to attach an image does not appear to work. A 20-second screen recording shows how nothing happens, and this is from a super administrator's login: https://screencast-o-matic.com/watch/cYX20vM8WJ I was not able to test this out on the ...
Dear Compojoom Devs, we got a problem with your mailchimp plugin. It seems, that JRoute isn't parsing your form action properly. The path within the action is not forwarding to the controller, because it is not bypassing the /blog http://www.e...
Hi there, I have noticed that as of recently I am unable to sign up using the CMC modules. It simply goes gray as if it's loading and nothing happens. I have resynced and re-saved all my settings, but this hasn't changed. Are you aware of any issu...
Hallo, ich habe bei den Eventbuchungen mit den Optionsschaltern weitere Sachen mit eingebaut (In dem Falle Spenden) die Kunden mit auswählen können. Im Schritt 3 (Confirm) wird die Gesamtsumme inkl. der Option schön aufgeführt. Im Schritt 4 (Paymen...
Alexander Webernig Hotspots supporter
Hallo, wo bzw. wie kann ich die verschiedenen Spaltenbreiten des Menütyps "Listenansicht" Event-Table (category) anpassen? Die Datumsspalte könnte schmaler sein, dann hätte zB. die Spalte mit dem Veranstaltungsort mehr Platz und es würde ...
Roland Geiger Hotspots supporter
To organize webinars is common these days. Is there a way in Matukio to insert a link to a webinar in the booking confirmation e-mail that only appears when the participant has paid for the event. Or will there be a button that links to the webinar...
Hi! Is it possible to block a specific (registered) user from adding comments? We have a situation where registered users can comment directly on articles without approval of the site manager(s). But on of the registered users is posting stuf...
Jip Jonker CComment supporter

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Attachements (z.B. PDF) an benutzerdefinierten Bes
Hallo Yves, könntet ihr die Möglichkeit schaffen, dass man bei den jeweiligen...
2 Replies
Posted on Friday, 08 January 2021
Clarification about CMC registration plugin
Hi, I apologize but browsing your forum I did not find a solution to my probl...
1 Replies
Posted on Tuesday, 29 December 2020
Problem with CComments replies in Hikashop
Hi, I purchased the Pro version of CComments and so far it has worked perfectl...
5 Replies
Posted on Thursday, 07 January 2021
E-Mail Template für abgesagte Veranstaltung
Hallo, eine Frage: Gibt es eine einfache Möglichkeit eine E-Mail Vorlage für ...
10 Replies
Posted on Sunday, 20 December 2020
Adminübersicht Buchungen
Hallo, 2 Fragen oder Bitten (siehe Anhang): Zeitverschiebung in der Liste &...
2 Replies
Posted on Monday, 21 December 2020
  • Resolved