Matukio Events 5.2 released

Matukio Events 5.2 released
​Finally we released the new version Matukio Events 5.2. This major release adds many new features, bugfixes and a lot of other minor improvements. Custom fields for events You can now add global or category specific custom fields for your events. You can use different types, like text-fields, selects, checkboxes etc. Organizers fill them then out ...
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CMC 2.0 released

CMC 2.0 released
Today we've released CMC 2.0 (for those who don't known it - our Mailchimp to Joomla integration). This is a release that adds some cool features. Maybe the most interesting of all would be the new module templates. A lot of you wanted to show the newsletter form either on the right or the left side of your site. Some of you also wanted to have a p...
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Matukio and Boulderado cashier software

Matukio and Boulderado cashier software

With the upcoming 5.2 version, Matukio will support Boulderado cash software. Boulderado is an (german) all in one cashier software solution for the Windows PC. It offers an intuitive interface, making it easy to sell tickets and more at your (local) sites! The integration automatically syncs all events and bookings to Boulderado and vice versa. Making it easy to sell (or just book) events over your website with Matukio and also at your local site! When a new booking is created in the cash software, it is automatically submited to Matukio. Support includes booking confirmation emails, notifications of the organizer by Matukio and more! You can also do a cash payment at the site and Matukio automatically enables the booking and can generate and send the invoice!


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Without further ado: the Compojoom partner program!

Without further ado: the Compojoom partner program!

Since I started compojoom in 2008 there have been a lot of users who have asked me if we have an affiliate program. The answer always has been, no we don't. Lately the same question has started to pop-up nearly every week, so I decided that it was time to finally do that. I was postponing it long enough and at the end there was nothing wrong with happy customers promoting good Joomla extensions. So here it is! Say hello to

By now you are most probably thinking - ah, not another affiliate program. Well, there is one important detail. Unlike most other affiliate programs where you get paid once for a sale, with us you'll get a commission every time a referred customer purchases any subscription from us for life! Yes, that's correct! Each time a referred customer purchases something from us you get a commission!

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Update your robots.txt!

Update your robots.txt!

If you've recently updated to Joomla 3.4 you might have noticed this message:

A change to the default robots.txt files was made in Joomla! 3.3 to allow Google to access templates and media files by default to improve SEO. This change is not applied automatically on upgrades and users are recommended to review the changes in the robots.txt.dist file and implement these change in their own robots.txt file.

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Creating a custom error page for your Joomla site

Creating a custom error page for your Joomla site

I've decided that it was time to improve some parts of our site. I had a look at the Redirect component in Joomla and unfortunately people are landing way too often on 404 not found page. And often there is no redirect that I can make. The resource no longer exist on our site and the user has to see a 404 page. Sadly for the past few years he was presented with this:

As you know this is the default Joomla 404 page - it gets the message across, but it is anything else than pretty and relaxing. So, today I decided that it was time to improve this! Since neither Yves or I are good designers I decided to find a good 404 template, change it a little and add it to our template. After some searching I found this: - the template could be used with 400 or 500 errors, so I decided that it was a good fit for

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Support - Gotta Serve Somebody! You better do it good!

Today I've noticed that our frontpage was taking more than 10 seconds to load. Which is by any means unacceptable. I fired up Firebug and had a look at the network tab. Everything seemed normal, except for the response from the server. The server was taking 10s to generate the first response. After that in just few ms all Javascript and CSS resources were loaded. Due to the fact that we haven't changed anything on the site lately & we also didn't have any traffic spikes what I immediately did was submit a ticket with our hosting provider.

In my ticket I explained what the problem was: "The frontpage is loading really slow, it takes more than 10s for it to load. Sub-pages seems to behave way better at around 2s.... Any ideas what could be wrong?"

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Showing Google adsense in the Hotspots menu

I've been asked recently by a customer how to add Google AdSense to the Hotspots Menu & on first look I thought that it should be as easy as pasting the adsense code in the module position that is available in the menu. However it turned out to me more complicated than that, so that's why I'm writing this blog post. 

This is the code that we have from Google AdSense:

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Hotspots 5.1 now available for download

Hotspots 5.1 now available for download

We've been teasing you for some time now on Facebook with screenshot of the upcoming multi images upload feature. Now the teasing is over! Hotspots 5.1 is here and if you've ever wanted to add more than 1 image to a Hotspot, you'll love it!

Instead of going into the technical details, I'll spare you this and show you the screenshot instead. This is how the new picture form field looks like:

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Group fields together in JForm to create html input as array

This blog post is a reply to this topic on Joomla's forum: but when I tried to post it there I got a 403 error, that is why I thought that I'll share this information here.

For the last couple of weeks I've been working on the multiple upload functionality that is going to come with the next Hotspots version. I'm about to finish this off, but as usual there are some things that pop up and need rewriting. I've decided that instead of hardcoding the generated thumbnails, I'll add an option for the user where he can define his own thumbnail dimentions.

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