Changelog for CMC - MailChimp integration for Joomla!

CMC 2.0.0 - Released 07-July-2015

  • Newupdated the CB plugin to work with CB 2.0
  • Newupdated the Jomsocial plugin to work with the latest Jomsocial version
  • Newadmins are able to edit the newsletter subscription of a user in the user manager in backend
  • Newusers are able to edit their newsletter subscriptions on their user profile in the frontend
  • Newadministrators are able to edit the newsletter subscription, merge fields and interest in the cmc backend
  • Newusers are able to edit their subscriptions in their CB profile in the frontend
  • Newpop-up signup form
  • Newfloating signup form (left, right, bottom)
  • Newedit of the subscription for logged in users is possible directly on the site
  • Newadded JED review request on the dashboard
  • Newoption to gather anonymous stats about the environment & configuration of the extension
  • Diffgeneral bug fixes and code cleanup

CMC 1.5.2 - Released 08-October-2014

  • Newcheck if the user is running the latest version of the component on the dashboard
  • Fixform was not validated on Safari
  • Fixthe CB plugin was missing the language files
  • Newadded back the module class suffix option
  • Fixusing the required parameter for phone field was breaking the form

CMC 1.5.1 - Released 24-July-2014

  • Fixfatal error in dashboard on joomla 2.5

CMC 1.5.0 - Released 23-July-2014

  • Diffcode now doesn't rely on deprecated functions in the joomla library
  • Diffremoved all mootools code and switched to jQuery
  • Newregistration plugin now works with the k2 registration
  • Newoption to auto-populate the fields in the module for logged in users
  • Newoption to unsubscribe from the newsletter
  • Newwhen the user is already on the list, we offer him the option to update the information on the list, instead of overriding everything
  • Newsubscribe on registration now can read values from the other fields and won't require the user to add his email or name twice
  • Newcleaned up backend and now relying on our backend template
  • Fixno groups or interests were saved to mailchimp with the registration plugin
  • Fixfatal error class Jhtml not found
  • Fixusing advanced module manager was causing an error in the cmc module
  • Fixif the user is new he was not written to the cmc_users table when subscribing in the module
  • Fixif lists were containing 1000,2000,3000 etc subscribers we were never showing the success sync message
  • Fixunnecessary space in the update url
  • Diffimproved user synchronization
  • Fixfixing the bug in the redshop plugin
  • Fixsetting a locale for javascript


  • NoteNote
  • NewNew feature or addition
  • DiffMajor change
  • DiffSmall change
  • LangLanguage change
  • FixSecurity fix
  • FixBug fix
  • DelFeature removal