Changelog for CComment - Comments for Joomla!
CComment 6.1.14 - Released 24-Nov-2024
- Fixremove shebang (#!) from the url, use just the hash (#) to scroll to the comments
CComment 6.1.13 - Released 20-Sep-2024
- FixIf sendMail in the queue fails, don't crash the whole queue, but treat as success & continue with the next mail
CComment 6.1.12 - Released 20-Oct-2023
- FixAnother try at fixing a crash on Joomla 5
CComment 6.1.11 - Released 19-Oct-2023
CComment 6.1.10 - Released 21-Feb-2023
- DelFix deprecated function call (JArrayHelper) in Joomla 4
CComment 6.1.9 - Released 06-Feb-2023
- DelFix wrong db structure for old installations upgraded to the latest version
CComment 6.1.8 - Released 10-Jan-2023
- DelFix recaptcha causing a JS error when not enabled for a user group
CComment 6.1.7 - Released 20-Feb-2022
- Delfix crash when trying to show CB avatars on joomla 4.x
CComment 6.1.6 - Released 20-Feb-2022
- Delfix failing installation on some joomla 4 instances due to strict mysql
CComment 6.1.5 - Released 21-Dec-2021
- Delbehavior tooltip was causing a crash in the comment module on joomla 4
- Delincorrect redirect in comment module - thanks for the fix to @iona
CComment 6.1.4 - Released 26-Oct-2021
- FixFix crash on Joomla 4 when editing global settings
- DiffImprove discuss import
CComment 6.1.3 - Released 19-Sept-2021
- Fixfix crash when editing a comment on PHP 8
CComment 6.1.2 - Released 31-Aug-2021
- Fixquote styling wasn't properly applied to comments
CComment 6.1.1 - Released 29-Aug-2021
- NewAdded quote styling in comments
- FixFixed uninstallation notices
- FixFixed wrong upvote/downvote count
CComment 6.1.0 - Released 22-Aug-2021
- NewCComment is now Joomla 4 compatible!
CComment 6.0.14 - Released 12-May-2021
- FixActivity chart on dashboard was not rendering properly
CComment 6.0.13 - Released 8-March-2021
- FixFix failing new installations
CComment 6.0.12 - Released 4-March-2021
- Fixon Multilingual sites requests to vote, edit, quote were redirected with 301
- Newit's now possible for users to change their own votes
CComment 6.0.11 - Released 21-January-2021
- Fixcomment submission time was not properly translated on multilingual websites
- Fixbackend dashboard was missing the correct extension title
CComment 6.0.10 - Released 14-January-2021
- Fixin multilingual setup the comment needs moderation message was not properly translated
CComment 6.0.8 - Released 25-May-2020
- FixForm gravatar image was being loaded over http and not https
CComment 6.0.8 - Released 17-Feb-2020
- FixAdd comment on top when sorting by newest first
- DiffUpdated jceeditor to version 2.1.3
- DiffUpdated vuejs library to version 2.6.11
- DiffUpdated vuex library to version 3.1.2
CComment 6.0.7 - Released 23-Mai-2019
- Fixhide reply button when the user is not able to post
- Fixnot able to press the edit button a second time
- Fixuploading an image was not working correctly in some situations
CComment 6.0.5 - Released 20-Dec-2018
- Fixfix notices on php 7.3
- Fixnavigating to Easyblog comments was not working
CComment 6.0.4 - Released 17-Sep-2018
- Newuse vue.js in production mode
- Fixnavigating to Easyblog comments was not working
CComment 6.0.3 - Released 10-April-2018
- Fixenforce name and email when this is set in the settings
- Fixin some situations the edit button on a comment was shown to the wrong user
CComment 6.0.2 - Released 9-April-2018
- Fixwhen comments were moderated no message was displayed to the user that the comment was approved and is awaiting moderation
CComment 6.0.1 - Released 7-April-2018
- Fixdefault captcha was not validating properly
- Fixrecaptcha was not validating properly
CComment 6.0.0 - Released 4-April-2018
- Fixthe reply button now respect the nesting level
- Newadded a onAfterPrepareComments event allowing you to change the json returned for the comment list
- Newadded a onAfterBuildQuery event that can be intercepted to modify the query fetching the comments from the db
CComment 6.0.0 alpha 1 - Released 26-April-2017
- Newnew BBCode editor (SCEditor)
- Newimage upload with drag and drop
- Newnew template build on vuejs
- Delremoved mootools dependeny in frontend template
CComment 5.4.1 - Released 4-February-2017
- Diffchanged the ip field to varchar(45) in order for it to sae ipv6 addresses
- Fixcustom fields values were not properly shown when editing the comment in the backend
CComment 5.4.0 - Released 29-January-2017
- Newadded Reditem plugin
- Fixdisqus has ids that don't fit in the int columns that we have. Changed importid and parentimportid to bigint
- Fixfixed import bug with disqus comments
- Newadd the title of the article in the search results
- Fixwrong text in the search plugin
- FixjDownloads plugin now works with version bigger than JDownloads 3.2
- Fixconfiguration notes couldn't be saved
CComment 5.3.8 - Released 10-November-2016
- Fixquoting a comment was not showing the user's name for non-registered users. ([quoted=null]...[/quoted])
CComment 5.3.7 - Released 31-October-2016
- Fixnested comments were not shown on Joomla 2.5 (yes, we no longer support it, but we had to fix this)
CComment 5.3.6 - Released 20-October-2016
- Fixthe url bbcode was erroneously adding http: when we had https urls
- Fixthe BBcode class was throwing notices on PHP7
- Fixrouting issue on multilingual sites on an nginx server
- Fixfixes to the jdownloads plugin
- Newdjclassified plugin
- Newnew view for the notification queue
- Fiximported comments had wrong parent id
- Fixwhen quoting the quoted user name is not respecting the layout use name setting
- Fixwhen notify user was set to no, editing a comment was creating a new comment
- Fixrecaptcha incompatibility with matukio
- Newwhen changing pages scroll always to the top of the comments
- Newthe categories for com_content are now shown nested in the settings
CComment 5.3.5 - Released 17-December-2015
- Fixthe hotspots plugin is now compatible with Hotspots 5.2.0
- Newccomment can now install on installations with PDO mysql driver
- Fixfixed a bug in the disqus import
- Fixthe event titles were not properly fetched from matukio
- Fixnotify "content creator moderator" was not working in matukio
- Delgoogle has deprecated the ajax crawling implementation as they can craw pages as normal browsers now. Removed our implementation of it.
- Fixediting a comment and selecting the option to be notified was throwing an error for missing e-mail
- Fixuser JEVHelper::getItemid() to determine the correct Itemid for jevents entries
- Fixthe jevents plugin now works with the latest jevents version 3.4
- Fix[quote=undefined] when liking/disliking a comment after quoting
- Diffuse CB code to get the correct plugin path
- Fixwrong path to css file for the CB usercomment plugin
- Fixwrong query on multilingual vm installs - thanks Max!
- Fixthe links to easyblog items were wrong
CComment 5.3.4 - Released 26-August-2015
- Newadded option to control the length of the comment posted in the activity stream in Jomsocial
- Diffmaking some modifications to the default theme, so that it can better work on most templates
- Newthe comments in the Jomsocial stream can now be shown with name or username
- Fixdon't load the tooltips library when the option is not enabled in the settings
- Fixcontent creator moderator was not working for com_hotspost
- Fixmoved the ZOO plugin to the system folder as it no longer worked as content plugin
- Diffthe search in backend now looks also for the commenter's name & email
- Fixdelete icon in backend was not working
- Diffwe now send a notification to the user when a moderator approves the comment through the link in the mail
- Fixif the user selects to be notified of further e-mails validate the e-mail he has provided
- Fixupdating the CB plugins to be compatible with CB 2.x
- Fixerror in the docman integration when "content creator moderator" was set to yes
- Fixthe link to hwdmediashare item was wrong
- Fixadd a non-empty check for name and e-mail
- Fixccomment was not working properly on multilingual VM installs
CComment 5.3.3 - Released 27-April-2015
- Fixdocman plugin couldn't be updated on new install
- Newupdated recaptcha to use the new "I'm human" recaptcha code
- Fixfixed reordering issue with custom fields
- Fixtypo in the komento import script caused the import not to function - thanks to Jordan Weinstein for reporting and fixing!
- Fixwrong comment count when a new comment is added
- Fixwhen comments were sorted by "new entries first" sometimes nested comments were missing on page refresh
- Fixtypo in the update stream
- Fixto ease some people added rel="nofollow" to our powered by link (even though the link is not indexed by search engines...)
- Fixthe "custom fields" text in the form was hardcoded
- Newoption to gather anonymous stats about the environment & configuration of the extension
- Newadded JED review request on the dashboard
CComment 5.3.2 - Released 2-February-2015
- Fixchangelog in the PRO version was wrong
- Fixunable to save comments in the backend
- Newthe docman plugin has been updated to support version 2 of the component
- Newonce the comment is submitted close the comment form completely
- Fixthe hotspots plugin now supports hotspots 5
- Fixthe ordering of the latest submitted comment was not correct
CComment 5.3.0 - Released 5-January-2015
- FixEasySocial avatars now use the path specified in EasySocial
- Fixdon't show a custom field when it isn't filled out
- Fixcustom fields were rendered several times depending on how many fields there are
- Newadding a checkbox custom field
- Newadded EasySocial avatar support
- Newadded EasySocial profile support
- Fixcb comment wall plugin was not respecting the use_name setting
- Newdeveloper feature: onPrepareConfig event allowing you to override the config on initialization
- Newadded option to sort on best comments or worst comments first (based on the votes)
- Fixcb installation was showing an error when no language file was present in the package
- Fixwrong date format for the cb user comments plugin
- Newcustom fields support
CComment 5.2.2 - Released 19-November-2014
- Fixwrong link generated by the matukio plugin
- Fixno longer display error loading feed on the dashboard
- Fixwrong link to rss feed in the dashboard
- Fixthe installer plugin was missing from the PRO package
- Fixwrong url for ajax requests on some installations
- Fixwhen editing a comment, the wrong gravatar was fetched
CComment 5.2.1 - Released 22-October-2014
- Fixcomment system was no longer loading when user wrote a comment and provided an email
CComment 5.2 - Released 22-October-2014
- Fixthe installer plugin was missing for joomla 2.5
- Newadded an option to minify the javascript files
- Newadded an option to select the user groups that are allowed to post without moderation
- Newadded an option for comment maximum depth level
- Delno longer uses require.js
- Fixon multilingual sites we no longer need 2 requests to fetch the comments
- Delremoved features from core package: "disable comments in", "content creator moderator", "use names", "emoticons turn off"
CComment 5.1 - Released 09-October-2014
- Diffusing the new compojoom installer library & database schema
- Diffbackend now uses lanceng
- Newuse joomla's update manager to update the component
- Delremoved live update
- Fixgravatar can no longer load default images through https. We'll use the standard mysteryman from gravatar for now
- Fixbreak words in the comments in the module if they are too long
CComment 5.0.8 - Released 04-September-2014
- Fixhikashop listings were always pointing to the same page - thanks to Nicolas from hikashop for fixing this
- Fixsupport pictures option was not taken into account for ubb code
- Fixhitting enter in the name or e-mail field was just hidding them
- Fixfixed sql error caused by the latest comments module when using the mostcommented option
- Fixmodule was showing wrong author name for edited comment
- Fixwrong date format in the backend
- Fixthe simple smiley set had wrong icon names
- Fixeasyblog not showing the comment count
- Newadding a count comment function that only returns an int - some components need only this and don't use our "write comment (x comments)" readmore
CComment 5.0.7 - Released 16-April-2014
- Fixthe textarea was growing on each character with some templates and always on ff29 - textarea should have box-sizing set to border-box
- Fix"Content creator moderator" - couldn't change the state of the comments (publish/unpublish)
- Fixfixing an issue with the comments in zoo. When using the related element the comment form was shown multiple times.
- Fixfixed - the module was outputting html in the tooltips
- Fixfixed - the language strings were not loaded in the module
- Fixno longer send emails to blocked moderators
- Fixthe avatar for logged in users was missing from the form
- Diffpowered by cannot be changed from the settings for the core version anymore
- Fixfixing an issue with the compojoom namespace
CComment 5.0.6 - Released 10-February-2014
- Fixwrong label desc for the date syntax in the settings
- Fixmoving form validation bevor the requirejs call, because of incompatible punycode j3.2.2.....
CComment 5.0.5 - Released 07-February-2014
- FixUpdated requireJS in order to fix a but introduced with j3.2.2
- Newadding a plugin for DJClassifieds
- Newadding a plugin for DJCatalog2
- Fixproperly format an url that is a mail address
CComment 5.0.4 - Released 03-February-2014
- Fixwrong tabindex used for the form fields
- Fixpermissions for the backend access couldn't be modified
- Fixwrong captcha/recaptcha position in the template
- Fixnotify users of new comments only when their comments are published in the first place
- Fixblocking IP was not working properly
- Fixload recaptcha through the https protocol
- Fixgravatar was not using the default avatar
- Newadded ccomment-top module position
- Fixmake sure that people can't enter another value for font size
- Fixmake sure that big images don't screw the layout
CComment 5.0.3 - Released 19-November-2013
- Fixgoing around the joomla cache, by putting the initialization code in a file (ccomment should be able to work with cache on)
- Fixon some installations the k2 plugin was causing the backend of k2 not to work. Now only using the plugin when we are in the frontend
- Newthe AUP plugin now respects the rules assignement method
- Fix10.0.8.35 is detected as a url. Disabled this auto url detection.
- Fixthe notify flag was set on all comments no matter if the user had selected it or not
CComment 5.0.2 - Released 03-October-2013
- Fixdon't show the replay & quote buttons if user is not allowed to post
- FixNo email was sent to moderators when autopublish comment was turned on
- Newadded cobalt plugin
CComment 5.0.1 - Released 03-September-2013
- Fixthe general import script had an error in it
- Fixupdated CB user comments plugin
- Fixnot all CB plugin were installed with the package
- Fixadded new jomsocial plugin to render the activity stream (works on jomsocial > 2.8)
- Fixyoutube video now respects the url scheme (http/https)
- Fixsome language strings were missing from the language files
- FixgetELement (...)' is null or not an objet on line 250 character 5 on media/com_comment/us/views/comments-outer.js
- Fixplaceholder not showing on IE
- Newadded placeholder support for browsers that don't support placeholders
CComment 5.0.0 - Released 13-August-2013
- Newadded smart search plugin
- Newadded search plugin
- Fixthe latest comment module was not part of the PRO package
- Fixthe k2 plugin was causing JForm::getInstance not found on some installations in k2 items
- Fixanonymous was not translatable in the javascript files
- Fixjoomla 3.1.4 has a bug and is unable to load the JHtml class if it is written in any other way than JHtml (JHTML, jhtml was invalid)
- Newadded option in the template to auto show the name and email fields
- Fixthe comments module was showing comments that were unpublished
- Newadded gpstools plugin
- Newadded communityquotes plugin
- Fixfixed fatal error when the module was enabled on kunena pages
- Fixfixed an issue with comment crawling
- Fixnested comments - moderators only was not working as expected
- Fixthumbs move down/up - thanks Josh!
- NewAUP improvements - showing a message about the activity the user performed
- FixHWD plugin was not installed properly
- Fixadded margin to .ccomment-replies for templates that set the margin for uls to 0
- Fixcomments were not showing up in HWDMediashare
- Newadded AUP integration - user points are now assigned on comment & vote
- Fixpossible fix for - require.js was not loaded
- Fixfixing bug with import from jcomments
- Fixcomment needs moderation was not visible when we were replying to nested comment
- Fixunpublished comments were shown when they were nested
- Newadded plugin for Communitypolls
- FixgroupHasAccess was producing a notice if the second argument was not an array and that way breaking the component
- Fixthe cancel button in the template was not translated
- Newadded redshop plugin
- Fixusing overrides/new template located in your_template/html/templates was causing an error
- Fixcould not delete comments on some servers
- Fixno message was output when the user comment needed moderation
- Newadded support for kunena profiles
- Newadded support for kunena avatars
- Newadded Zoo plugin
- Fixoptimised performance when working on the mail queue
- Newadded back the docman plugin for docman 1.6.4
- Fixhtml errors in the template
- Fixthe installed version number was not visible in the backend
- Fixtoo long words were not wrapped...
- Fixfixing problems with the resizing of the textarea
- Newadded plugin for dpcalendar
- Newadded option to add the comments using the onContentPrepare event for com_content
- Fixfixes issue with update from 4.2.1
- Fixfixes issues with content tag {ccomment on|off|closed}
- Fixcaptcha issues with selected group on j2.5
- Fixupdate from 4.2.1 was not properly executed
- Fixcaptcha usergroup selection was not having any effect
- Fixk2 plugin was missing from the pro package
- Newadded plugin for hikashop
- Fixcomment system was not working properly when cache was on
- Fix"use names" option was not working properly
- Fixk2 plugin was not installed with the core version
- Fixwhen the article is closed for further comments change the "write comment(x comments)" button to just "x comments" in list view
- Fixjoscomment plugin recognises {ccomment on|off|closed} tag
- Fixcomments were not loading on IE8
- Fixk2 plugin was not installed in the correct plugin group
- Fixuninstallation was not removing some plugins
- Fixcomments were not displaying when the user was not authorised to post
- Newemails are now sent either on page load or per cron job
- Newadded plugin for com_matukio (Matukio - Event management)
- Fixurl in notification mail is wrong for https sites
- Newadded com_joomgallery plugin (check docs for more info)
- Newadded com_jdownloads plugin (check docs for more info)
- Fixwrite comment was not shown on category blog view for com_content
- Fixthe link to docimport didn't have an itemId
- Fixwrong username was shown in comment list in the backend
- Fixtextarea was not expanding when the quote was bigger than the textarea
- Fixmodule was not able to show the comments from multiple components
- Fixuse the setLimit for comments in the module properly by respecting the bbcode
- Fixcss fixes for embeded youtube videos
- Fixfixing problem when updating from 4.2.1 & and a language translation is installed
- Fixquote & edit were not working
- Fixsome buttons were not clickable on the Ipad
- Fixfixed issue 67 smilies break on vote
- Newimplemented ajax crawling according to google's specification. Now comments should be indexed by search engines
- Fixwrong license tag in few plugins
- Fixmissing JEXEC statement in few files
- Fixposting comment as logged in user was not working
- Fixfixing a problem with reply to a comment
- Fixnow scrolling to the comments only if we have the correct hash
- Fixsettings were not correctly saved after the install
- Fixbug fiexes for IE6
- Fixbug fixes for IE8
- Newadded plugin for Docimport
- Fixfixed a problem with joomla's SEF :(
- Newadded HWDMediashare plugin
- Delremoved docman integration
- Delremoved hwdvideo and hwdphoto integration
- Fixupdated LiveUpdate library
- Newadded jcomments, komento & disqus import
- Newadded fb like on dashboard for
- Newadded dashboard
- Newadded an indicator when loading comments
- Newmaking the form a little more user friendly on submit
- Newoutput error messages to the user submitting a comment & validate form input
- Fixupdated virtuemart plugin
- Fixupdated ninjamonial plugin
- Fixupdated the jphoto plugin
- Fixupdated jevents plugin
- Delremoved com_eventlist plugin as the extension is no longer supported
- Newcb plugins are now installed during the ccomment installation
- Fixupdating the com_comprofile plugin and adding the ccomment wall plugin for cb
- Fixupdated adsmanager plugin
- Fixupdated the easyblog plugin
- Newadding the k2 and Hotpsots plugins to ccomment5 Core
- Fixupdating the hotspots plugin
- Fixupdating the phocadownload plugin
- Fixcould not delete settings in backend
- Delremoving JomsocialGroup & JomsocialGroupDiscussion plugins
- Fixupdated the jomsocial wall plugin
- Fixwrong message shown when comments were set to autopublish
- Fixfixing a warning when no moderator group was selected
- Fixone was not able to create new plugin settings
- Newadd support for like & comment on the jomsocial activity stream
- Fixupdated our jomsocial plugin
- Newadding the bare minimum of bootstrap CSS so that the template can be displayed properly on sites that don't use bootstrap
- Fixcss class was not properly added to comment
- Fixdisplay component name when editing/creating a new stting
- Fixfixing the backend CSS on joomla 2.5 (it doesn't come with bootsrap....)
- Newuninstall now works properly
- Fixwe are no able to properly update from 4.2.1
- Newwe are now able to select which user group has the right to post comments
- Diffupdated the K2 plugin
- Delremoved the stringparser library as it is no longer used
- Fixfixes for joomla 2.5
- Fixshow pagination only if enabled
- Fixthe DS constant is not available in j3.0
- Fixselecting all comments to delete was not working in backend
- Fixfixed strict standards warning when using jomsocial avatars
- Delremoved legacy install/uninstall procedures
- Delremoved plugin for sobi2 as the extension is not supported on joomla 2.5
- Delremoved plugin for seyret as the extension is no longer supported
- Delremoved plugin for puarcade as the extension is no longer supported
- Delremoved plugin for jomtube as the extension is no longer supported
- Delremoved plugin for mmsblog as the extension is no longer supported
- Delremoved plugin for myblog as the extension is no longer supported
CComment 5.0.0 alpha - Released 15-May-2013
- Diffsimplified backend
- Newjoomla 3 support
- NewClosely follows Joomla MVC conventions
- Newnew template engine
- Newnew default template based on bootstrap markup
- Newnew bbcode engine supporting video, automatic link, code highlighting
- Newauthor of article can be moderator
- Newnew email templates
- Newone click publish/unpublish comment from email
- Newone click unsubscribe from future notifications of new comments
- Delremoved legacy code - functions, templates (40k lines of code)
- NoteNote
- NewNew feature or addition
- DiffMajor change
- DiffSmall change
- LangLanguage change
- FixSecurity fix
- FixBug fix
- DelFeature removal