Hotspots 6.0 brings Joomla4 compatibility

It wasn't easy, but we made it. Hotspots 6.0 is now Joomla4 compatible! Thank you to those who helped us make this reality!
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Create a plugin to override Hotspots marker fields

Joomla! has a lot of "hidden" features that few people know about. Starting with Joomla 1.6 ( I think) we were able to define custom fields using plugins. This feature is relatively easy to use, if you know your way with PHP. Most probably this is one of the reasons why very few people actually know that they can define custom fields, override any ...
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SEO Contest Siebtlingsgeburt with Joomla 2017

 Joomla is participating at a SEO contest of the organizer of the SEO-Day 2017 in cologne by Fabian Rossbacher. The idea is to rank highest with the keyword " Siebtlingsgeburt ". Start is the 25th of September, end the 12th of October 2017. What is Siebtlingsgeburt? Siebtlingsgeburt is the german word for septuplet. E.g. when a mother giv...
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Matukio Events 7 RC 1 is out

We are proud to announce the first release candidate of Matukio Events 7 for Joomla. Version 7 is one of the biggest releases we ever did, touching almost every file in Matukio. Some statistics:  735 changed files with 24,074 additions and 31,191 deletions (so far).  Flexible and fast Form Builder Version 7 integrates CForms int...
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CForms 2.0 released

CForms 2.0 released
We are proud to present the newest version of our Form Builder CForms . It brings easy to set up Conditionals. With the conditionals you can define when fields should be shown or hidden . For example, if you have an option, like "Additional guest names", which should only be shown if the user selects "Yes" in an Radio Input "Additional Guests" this...
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How to use Joomla! JLayouts in your extensions

With JLayouts you can create content elements that you can use in multiple Joomla Views. For example for sharing content between the frontend and backend, or between a component and a module. You can even share them between different extensions.  In opposite to the view they are not included in the JView(Legacy) and you can't use the cont...
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Which Frontend CSS Framework for Joomla 3.7 should i use?


As site creators you have to choose between a large mix of available frontend templates and their frameworks for Joomla. And even extensions often bring their own CSS Framework with them.

So which one is the right for you? This follows the style of a conversation, where a new Joomla! user has a chat with his experienced friend. Inspired by "It's the future" from Circle CI.

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Ccomment 6.0 Alpha 1

I'm happy to announce that CComment 6.0 Alpha1 is ready for download. Version 6 is a major rewrite of the Frontend Part of the component and in this blog post, I would like to give you a glimpse of our development process. The major thing that we had to tackle in v6 was removing our Mootools dependency. Mootools was a great framework back in 2006, ...
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Matukio 6.1.2 is available now

Matukio 6.1.2 is available now
​We are happy to announce the availability of Matukio Events 6.1.2 for Joomla 3.x, with one new view to easier find events, bugfixes and new options. We also introduced a new plugin for our MailChimp Newsletter integration CMC. Overview ​New View: Event Wizard Simple Image Uploader also for event detail image Automatic resizing of uploaded images s...
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Happy Easter 2017!

Happy Easter 2017!
We wish you a happy Easter 2017 and some great holidays! It's also a great moment to make some savings. Save 30 % on all our extensions with the coupon code:  EASTER2017 The coupon code is valid until the 19th April 2017. How to claim your discount? Just enter the coupon code at the checkout page to get the discount. If you already have a subs...
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