Ccomment 6.0 Alpha 1

I'm happy to announce that CComment 6.0 Alpha1 is ready for download. Version 6 is a major rewrite of the Frontend Part of the component and in this blog post, I would like to give you a glimpse of our development process. The major thing that we had to tackle in v6 was removing our Mootools dependency. Mootools was a great framework back in 2006, ...
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CComment5 beta1 released

It's been nearly 2 years since we released the last CComment update. Unfortunately there is always a moment in the life of a software product when adding a new feature means breaking 10 others. The first version of CComment was developed in 2005 (originally !joomlacomment) following the best programming conventions back then. But as it happens -> what was really great 8 years ago is outdated & unmaintainable today. CComment was feature full, but extremely hard to support. That is why in the end of 2011 we've set on the task of rewriting it, but before we've started with any code we've laid out some of the most important areas that needed improvement:

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Compojoom now part of JoomlaPraise templates

We are excited to announce a great partnership with JoomlaPraise Template Club. They have been supplying the Joomla! community some of the hottest template around. Last year the site went dormant. Lack of updates and more. JP went through a few change of owners and finally found a new home with 'corePHP'. We all know the quality, amazing products and services 'corePHP' delivers. We will see many exciting things at JP now with new founders at the reign. They recently restructured and released an updated Joomla! 2.5 template with new coding structure. Eleglance 2.5 works amazingly with CompojoomComment and HotSpots right out of the box. Oh...and get this the template is responsive and they even have our components working so these products looks amazing on your mobile phone or tablet. How cool is that! Amazing work over at JoomlaPraise and we are very excited to be part of the new JP future templates.

Check out the demo:

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Joomla 2.5 / Year 2012 / End of the world???

Since now the first beta of Joomla 2.5 is published I thought that it would be good to make a short blog post to explain where we are and where we are going.

Currently all our extensions are working on joomla 1.5, 1.7 and 2.5, yes you read it right! Joomla 2.5!!! So, if you are running joomla 1.7 and you want to update to 2.5 (STABLE) - don't hesitate - everything should work as before! (btw - Joomla 1.7 reaches end of life in February 2012 and Joomla 1.5 in April 2012 - so prepare to update/migrate guys!)

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