Daniel is the owner & lead developer at compojoom.com.

!JoComment 4.0 alpha

Ladies and Gentlemen! I'm really excited to write this (at 00:30) I have just uploaded the first alpha release of !JoComment4.0.

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!Jocomment 4.0 – Status

Ok, I have just made the update to Joomla 1.5.7 :) Everything went smooth!
A lot of people are asking: “What is the matter with !jocomment 4.0?” . Here is the report:

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After fighting several days without success I decided to change the purpose of !jowiki. Mediawiki is great. As I see - it will stay great, but will not be integrated with joomla - at least not from me. Integration in an iframe seems easy ( I got that - as the guys from http://www.joomlawiki.org/ ), but completely integrating in it in joomla was not possible for me. Andrew from http://www.r5gordini.co.uk/ have somehow managed to integrate mediawiki with joomla1.0, but I was unable to get his script working for me with joomla 1.5.

However, I was really inspired from a web page with scripts for the shortest wiki in the word :) That is when I realised - the concept behind a wiki is not complicated. It depends on what you want. So, I've changed my mind and started working on a wiki extension for joomla. It will be very basic, but it will do the job. And then day after day, line after line it will become better and better! If you wish to help, you are welcome!

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I have decided to register compojoom and all the projects we have started here on www.chipin.com . What is chipin – well do you see the “Please donate” module on the right? That is chipin. It will help us raise money and will make the process very clear for you. Strangely, but there are a lot of folks out there thinking that we make a lot of money from !jocomment :) Well, we don’t (Joomla doesn’t get a lot of money, too!)
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!Jolog - the blog software that joomla is missing

I must say it: "I'm disappointed with the blog software out there for Joomla". Since several months there is IdoBlog, but well how to say it - it doesn't use !jocomment as comment system, neither it use CB for the user profiles. Since bloging is important for a lot of people (for me too :)) I decided to start a project on joomlacode http://joomlacode.org/gf/project/jolog/ and write myself the blog I want to exist for Joomla.

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!Jowiki - Real integration with mediawiki

Hey there guys!

The time has come! We have to do it! since a lot of time I'm thinking on it. Joomla is a great piece of software, but we all need the incredible mediawiki too. The integration that we have right now is not satisfying. A lot of people don't want to have mediawiki in an iframe, so do I. I want that mediawiki behaves as a joomla extension and not as a stand alone installation.

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!JoomlaComment 3.26 released

The package includes several bug fixes - nothing fancy :)

The big news that the project has a new developer Ajay Lulia . Thank you for joining and I wish you a lot of bug fixes :)

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Welcome to Compojoom

As a lot of you already know Alain Georgette doesn't have anymore the time to develop !joomlacomment and to offer the support that the community deserve. However I'm sure, that he is going to join us again in 2009 :)

This web site is the new place for support and news about the best commenting solution out there for Joomla :)

What is the future of the project?
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