It would be great if we could have possibility to leave description empty for a hotspot. Now it is a required field but i have hospots where i don't want or need a description. Just a pin with a title....
Hi using mailchimp for joomla at and when users try to subscribe we are getting the following error: 404: The requested resource could not be found. It was working fine on the demo site but when we ...
matukio events seems not to work with the latest Joomla 4.2.9 there was no booking possible anymore, we had to go back to 4.2.8. please tell me when it is fixed so that we can make the update....
Hallo Zusammen Ich habe das Problem, dass ich die Einstellungen/Optionen bei den einzelnen Buchungsfeldern ändern kann, wie ich will, aber es speichert nie etwas. Einstellung: Nachdem ich das Formular speichere und das Formular wieder öffne,...
Hello. I have comments on the page of a particular article. The google search copy of the page does not show these comments. What do I need to do to get google to include the comments in the preview and thus increase the amount of content on the p...
Hallo Seit neuem gehen die Buchungsformulare nicht mehr, siehe hier: Das Update auf 7.2.1 hat nicht genützt. In der Admi...
Trying to configure custom fields as check boxes but no combinations works. I cannot find any documentation or examples. Where are the instructions? Thanks!...
Hallo, ich stoße hier auf ein Problem mit dem Buchungsformular, wozu es hier schon Beiträge gibt, allerdings ohne dabei eine Lösung gefunden zu haben. Im Backend klappt die Bearbeitung des Standardbuchungsformulares nur leidlich, das Klicken im F...
Andre Wegener Matukio supporter
I want to import bookings for an event. When I choose the Event Booking tab in Import I get the following error: The Event Booking component doesn't seem to be installed on your site. If you think that this is an error contact support. I notic...
Neil Ireland Matukio supporter
Hello, is it possible to extract not only the content but also the coordinates for the hotspots in the RSS Feed visualization? I want to automatically publish them on another website through the RSS Feed....
Hallo, wo richtet man in Matukio für Joomla 4+ die Zahllungsmethden ein? Hier ist nur die Auswahl Cash angelegt? Ausschließlich Überweisung wäre gewünscht....
Andre Wegener Matukio supporter
Hi, We are using Hotspots Pro v6.0.11 on a Joomla 3.10 website. We are also using Regular Labs - Modules Anywhere v7.16.1. There is a conflict between the "Content - Hotspots Anywhere" and the "System - Regular Labs - Modules A...
Just used CMigrator on a site - worked great. Thank you! Saved me a BUNCH of time. WP site had like 1000 posts/pages. One question: No users were brought over. Did I miss something? Thanks for the great tool....
Gary Piland Hotspots supporter
We have a specific proxy that have strengh rules, Can you provide us all link that should be allowed to set correctly hotspots. We observe very long waiting when selecting hostpots from backend the first time and we have also the same problem on fron...
CComment form is not visible if site language is set to German. When I switch back to Englisch/UK the comment form is visible. What can I change that the form is also visible when I have German as a language active? Thanks!...
I receive an error/warning when entering a booking to an event. Any idea what I need to change? Warning: DOMDocument::loadHTML() [domdocument.loadhtml]: ID matukio-fees already defined in Entity, line: 42 in /users/fc110/www/libraries/cforms/form...
Barbara Helbig Matukio supporter
Hallo, seit dieser Woche haben wir einen neuen: wenn wir bei einer Veranstaltung Gebühren neu eingeben oder versuchen Gebühren zu ändern, kommt folgender Fehler und es zerhackt die Veranstaltungsansicht im Backend: 0 number_format(): Argument #1 ($n...
I recently upgraded Hot spots to the latest version - 6.0.11. I have discovered one type of map view that no longer works. When I add a map using Joomla's Menu system - and use Map View as Menu Item Type the map isn't being centered correctly. ...
I think I have found a bug in the "Content - HOTSPOTS" Plugin. I use this plugin to show a single Hotspot in the map. With the syntax: {hotspots hotspot=2} 2 is the ID of the hotspots I want to show. If a user click on an article the...
Since many years I use ctransifex free with great success and thankfulness for my open source project BwPostman. It worked until 2022-11-09. Today I wanted to build new packages but I only got a 404 page from transifex, see attached screenshot. Wi...

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