Hello everybody, I'm trying to import comments from yvcomment, but I receive this message in the preview section: "Id column is obligatory ! Please, select the column." I've selected the right id column (I think it is "ID" W...
Hi all, loving this module. But there's one thing that keeps annoying me, and I need some help. I basically want to remove the searchForm bar (the one you use to search comments with) but I haven't found a way to do this. Where should I look?...
Hi, I just installed !Joomlacomment and hoping to replace AkoComment. I have trouble figuring out how to set the number of comments per page (to display). I am using Joomla 1.0.12. Could somebody give me a hint please? Thanks in advance....
Hello, I installed JOCOMMENT but the security image doesn't load, so I am not able to add comment. How do I resolve this hitch.......
I would like it to get an easy way for end users to make text links whit an button like: google Not [url]http://www.google.nl/search?hl=nl&q=google.nl&btnG=Google+zoeken&meta=[/url] My englisch is not so good sorry :blush:...
I have a problem installing I double the read more button instead of adding comments How can I correct this? http://cocinoteca.com/index.php...
I am running JOomla. I need to transfer the all the files to my root from my temp site. What PHP adjustments do I have to make? PLease be specific! Thanks!...
Hi, I have a J1.5.7, DocMan 1.4.0 rc3 and your Comment3.26. The comments work fine on content items but after following alains tutorial (other component settings and adding a new com_docman there) I still have no comments in docMan... I included a...
Guys, I found an error (at least in my install) where after editing a comment I got an "underfined" error. I traced down the error to client.js script, near line 280. It appear that at least for IE7, the responseText attribute gets undef...
Hi, The component works great. There is however one thing I like to change and that is that "read on..." is displayed before "write comment" (see image) on the blog page (intro of blog articles). So far I could not find the file ...
Hello, I just put on! JoomlaComment 3.26 a template for joomla 1.5.9 and JA_telineII but that comment can not appear in the articles. you know it can be happening?:dry: Excuse my English, I am Argentinian. thanks...
Hi there, I am trying to get joomla comment to work with docman, I've read the posts about the hack code to enter but this only works for the "default" theme. I'm using the new "MjazTools BlogTheme for DOCMan," which has a sli...
Okay, what I'm trying to do is change the position of commenst from below an article to the right of the article, well, into the module postion 'right'. Would that be possible? How would I be able to do this?...
Hi, first of all: Hello And next: I've got a problem. I enabled captcha on my site. It's cool, image is loading but there is no characters on it. However I can find it in database. I was searching this forum for an answer but I did not find an...
Hello, For some good features: .- Automatic Registration to CB (Joomla) if the Comment Sender it`s not registered. .- Name, E-mail, Subject and Body have to be, needs to be mandatory. Try to put some features in the E-mail identification... ...
I do not find the #poweredby { display:none; } in the CSS Style Sheet of the Template I am using... Thanks for your help......
Hello, Is it possibile somehow to turn off editing of posted items by registered users? On my site we have admin that approves comments. But when registered user post comment, and we approve it. So far so good, but later this user can comple...
I am working with !JoomlaComment 3.26 I have set a user to be administrator in joomla. I have set moderator groups to be manager/administrator/superadministrator but my moderators, who wish to moderate, get nothing else than _NOT_AUTH_ when ...
Hi, After installation of ver 3.26 in Joomla 1.5.9 nothing happens. I can make all changes in the settings for JomComment, but nothing is seen on the website. What could be wrong? Stefan...
Hi guys. Have any of you ever seen this problem before. Everything else works, but when I go in to content settings, the template is gone, and I cant save or anything else. Any fix? Joomla 1.0.15 stabel Joomcomment 3.26 [img size=...

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