Discussions tagged cmigrator

Hello! I have presales question about CMigrator. I need to migrate from WP to Joomla. WP articles contains links to other WP article. Will they work in Joomla site? WP site have many comments. Will these comments migrate to some of Joomla comments...
Migrating Articles from Wordpress to Joomla via a Database overwrites existing ones. Is there a possibility to just ADD them to the existing articles? I need both, the old ones as well as the new ones that i am migrating from a wordpress site. Reg...
Hallo ich habe eine nagelneue Joomla Installation 3.9.21 und den CM Migrator installiert. Obwohl ich Schritt für Schritt nach Video und Anleitung vorgegangen bin, tut sich bei einer Wordpress Migration absolut überhaupt nichts, er sagt: Migration s...
I have migrated about 12500 articles and to my dismay and horror, an id is added to the start if the article url alias for no reason. Please advise how to resolve this?...
Hallo, ich möchte eine Wordpress Seite 4.9.1 in Joomla 3.9.12 auf demselben Server migrieren. Mir sind die Schritte nicht klar, wie ich den CMigrator konfigurieren muss. (Beschreibung schon älter?) Ich bin folgendermaßen vorgegangen: Dump ...
Dear support, I would like to know if there's a page with the extension "CMigrator" changelog. I was unable to find it and it is good for customers to see the development steps of a product. Kind regards Lorenzo...
Is there any way to make the migration convert extra category associations into tags when moved from WP to Joomla? My WP site has lots of posts that are assigned to more than one category but when I migrate it only keeps the last one. My main goal ...
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Last questions

Integration of Google Map in Jomsocial
Hi team, I would like to know if the version of Hotspot allows to display at ...
4 Replies
Posted on Wednesday, 07 September 2022
Links aus Veranstaltungsübersicht funktionieren ni
Nach der Migration von Joomla 3.10 auf Joomla 5.0.3 treten folgende Probleme auf...
3 Replies
Posted on Monday, 08 April 2024
Issues uploading photos
I figured out my other issues and this is the only one I can't seem to find an a...
1 Replies
Posted on Friday, 21 June 2024
Marker adapted to level of zooming
Hello, I'd like to be able to display a marker showing the number of users on a ...
0 Replies
Posted on Monday, 20 May 2024
Download and install locations from Google
Is there anyway that you can download a list of locations from Google Maps and t...
0 Replies
Posted on Monday, 20 May 2024