I'd be grateful if you could clarify the use of categories in CComment please. I guess Ccomment knows nothing about categories, simply passing data to the integration plugins - is that correct?
I'm finding it difficult to reconcile the admin user interface with the examples of integration code. There is the ability to include or exclude a set of categories, and this list seems to be passed as 'basic.categories'. Whether it is include or exclude appears to be passed as 'basic.include_categories'.
But the interface also provides for a list of item IDs (is this a comma separated list?) for inclusion or exclusion (presumably decided by the same include/exclude flag?) which is perhaps passed as 'basic.exclude_content_items'? But there doesn't seem to be any code in existing integrations to do this - only code to exclude IDs based on 'basic.exclude_content_items'.
The interface also has a field for "Disable comments in" but I am not clear what this is, and the existing plugins do not seem to have a fourth configuration property to match this. Maybe I'm misunderstanding something.
I'm also puzzled about how the row ID could be zero, and why in that case it needs to be transformed to -1.
Are you able to clarify please?
- Martin Brampton
- General
- Wednesday, 06 June 2018
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