1. Chris Javier
  2. Wishlist
  3. Monday, 28 April 2014
  4.  Subscribe via email

I've noticed that CMC offers 2-way integration. This means that if I add a subscriber to Joomla it will get added to MailChimp right? Here are my questions.

1) But how about the reverse, if someone is added through MailChimp - they should be added to Joomla too but is there a way to control which User Group to put them in?

2) Does sync'ing also consider segmented lists? So for example I want to organize my MailChimp list by Joomla Groups. In Joomla, I have multiple groups with different Access Controls. Will MailChimp sync and organize contacts into different lists or segments based on what Group they are in? I want MailChimp to be able to send mails to particular groups.

3) Also, would I be able to Trigger MailChimp to send an email notification to a User who just had their Joomla Group changed?

This is something I am interested in and these marketing automation capabilities are what I am currently seeking :)

Thanks for your help guys!

Responses (1)
Daniel Dimitrov
Support team
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey Chris,
CMC has limited capabilities in regards to what you try to do.

1) The 2 way sync actually doesn't add the users as joomla users on your site. We'll need to add a plugin for this. The 2 list sync option currently only syncs the list. You just have the mailchimp list in your joomla site. The users in the list don't necessarily have to be in any joomla group.

2) Look at 1

3) NO, we don't have such a trigger.

I think that you have some very good ideas and that is why I moved your topic to the wishlist. We'll definitely consider your feedback for the next version.

Please if you use our extensions be so kind and review them at JED
Matukio | Hotspots Pro | CComment Pro
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