1. Yves Hoppe
  2. The Voice Hole-in-One
  3. General
  4. Wednesday, 02 January 2013
  5.  Subscribe via email
Hello together,

we've been working hard in the last couple of weeks to get Matukio 2.2 ready. In this thread i want to keep you updated on the current status, because there are so many questions regarding time plans, planed features and fixes etc.

Estimated Timeplan:

Development release: Release candidate out now (Feedback appreciated!)
Stable release: April 2013

Planed features / changes:

[color=#008800]- E-Mail Template System (for booking mails, organizers)
- Export Template System (for csv, participants lists etc., including possibility to create your own templates (maybe a bit later))
- Export of event lists not only participants
- New improved table less modern event list / my bookings / my offers and participants template (fitting to the modern event view)
- Improved and sophisticated layout settings for the event list templates
- Better form to contact the participants as a organizer
- Payment Plugins (to support more payment methods and to give you the ability to write your own)[/color]
- Changing the new fields data (new booking form) to JSON encoded format
- Improved button labels and tooltips
- Improved category management with better support for access levels, images etc.
- Improved event booking with more then one place at once (with the possibility to insert the others bookings data too)
- Better integration of Bootstrap[/color]
- Possibility to reset the Matukio settings
- Improved routing (to prevent 404, 500 errors when no link to eventlist overview is set)
- Google calendar integration (maybe)
- Help page with a better documentation and some Howto videos
- Mobile version / templates (basics more later)
[color=#008800]- Improved Webinar support[/color]
- Nicer ticket generation (PDF files etc. / maybe)
- Organizer information pages (Probably)
- Improved Backend (fully MVC style - probably)
- 4 new Modules which should replace the old one (calendar, upcoming events, upcoming events slideshow, "small" booking form - maybe)
- Top and hot events (basics, more later)[/color]
- Add booking status (instead of deletion for example)
[color=#008800]- Custom event fields for:
-- Booking mails (to overwrite the default one)
-- Certificate (to overwrite the default one)
- Possibility to show also already ended events
- Payment Details on the confirmation page (new booking form)
- E-Mail verification (new booking form)
- Payment data & total amount on Confirmation page (new booking form)
- More improvements to the booking form
- Import Events from Seminar

// Update: First development release is ready for download (green things are already fully integrated and working) - feedback very appreciated!

// Update: First beta ist ready for download

// Update: Release candidate is ready for download

// Update: Released and Unsticky
Responses (53)

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