Hello together,
we've been working hard in the last couple of weeks to get Matukio 2.2 ready. In this thread i want to keep you updated on the current status, because there are so many questions regarding time plans, planed features and fixes etc.
Estimated Timeplan:
Development release: Release candidate out now (Feedback appreciated!)
Stable release: April 2013
Planed features / changes:
[color=#008800]- E-Mail Template System (for booking mails, organizers)
- Export Template System (for csv, participants lists etc., including possibility to create your own templates (maybe a bit later))
- Export of event lists not only participants
- New improved table less modern event list / my bookings / my offers and participants template (fitting to the modern event view)
- Improved and sophisticated layout settings for the event list templates
- Better form to contact the participants as a organizer
- Payment Plugins (to support more payment methods and to give you the ability to write your own)[/color]
- Changing the new fields data (new booking form) to JSON encoded format
- Improved button labels and tooltips
- Improved category management with better support for access levels, images etc.
- Improved event booking with more then one place at once (with the possibility to insert the others bookings data too)
- Better integration of Bootstrap[/color]
- Possibility to reset the Matukio settings
- Improved routing (to prevent 404, 500 errors when no link to eventlist overview is set)
- Google calendar integration (maybe)
- Help page with a better documentation and some Howto videos
- Mobile version / templates (basics more later)
[color=#008800]- Improved Webinar support[/color]
- Nicer ticket generation (PDF files etc. / maybe)
- Organizer information pages (Probably)
- Improved Backend (fully MVC style - probably)
- 4 new Modules which should replace the old one (calendar, upcoming events, upcoming events slideshow, "small" booking form - maybe)
- Top and hot events (basics, more later)[/color]
- Add booking status (instead of deletion for example)
[color=#008800]- Custom event fields for:
-- Booking mails (to overwrite the default one)
-- Certificate (to overwrite the default one)
- Possibility to show also already ended events
- Payment Details on the confirmation page (new booking form)
- E-Mail verification (new booking form)
- Payment data & total amount on Confirmation page (new booking form)
- More improvements to the booking form
- Import Events from Seminar
// Update: First development release is ready for download (green things are already fully integrated and working) - feedback very appreciated!
// Update: First beta ist ready for download
// Update: Release candidate is ready for download
// Update: Released and Unsticky
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