1. Вячеслав Гаращенко
  2. Bugs
  3. Tuesday, 13 April 2021
  4.  Subscribe via email
Impossible to attach image to comment.
After install ccomment, preview image window was invisible. At screenshot 1, you can see empty white field in preview area, after i upload image.
This was corrected by this css code
.ccomment-form .fileupload-progress.fade.in {
opacity: 0.9;
.ccomment-form .ccomment-file-list .table.table-striped tr.template-upload.fade {
opacity: 0.9;
After this, image appear in preview, but this all.
Then I attach image, the progress bar, is quickly became 100%, and then quickly go back to 0, I see only button cancel, and preview, but clicking do not do anything.
After I click send note, it appear without image.
Also, I can find image in the ccomment cache folder on server, thats all.
I was try to add some debug strings to code.
The function uploadTmp($file) from /libraries/compojoom/model/multimedia.php is called, and work well.
But the function uploadPermanent is not called, then I save comment.

Please help to resolve this problem.
Thank you !
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