1. Mauro Ghiglia
  2. Installation
  3. Monday, 04 August 2008
  4.  Subscribe via email
Hi there,
just installed the comment component, and received this:
There was a problem with your installation

jos_comment update :
- voting_yes exist.
- voting_no exist.
- parentid exist.
- email exist.
- website exist.
- notify exist.
- userid exist.
- update of component.
- create index com_contentid.
- importtable exist.
- importid exist.
- importparentid exist.
- update of title.
jos_comment_setting update :
- set_name exist.
- set_component exist.
- set_sectionid exist.
Install error: DB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column 'contentid' in 'mos_comment' SQL=ALTER TABLE `mos_comment` ADD `component` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '' AFTER `contentid`;
ALTER TABLE `vpo_comment` ADD `component` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default '' AFTER `contentid`;

Install error: DB function failed with error number 1072
Key column 'component' doesn't exist in table SQL=ALTER TABLE `mos_comment` ADD INDEX `com_contentid` ( `component`, `contentid` );
ALTER TABLE `vpo_comment` ADD INDEX `com_contentid` ( `component`, `contentid` );

Install error: DB function failed with error number 1054
Unknown column 'title' in 'mos_comment' SQL=ALTER TABLE `mos_comment` CHANGE `title` `title` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default ''
ALTER TABLE `vpo_comment` CHANGE `title` `title` VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL default ''

Any ideas?
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