1. arievianza
  2. Installation
  3. Sunday, 24 August 2008
  4.  Subscribe via email
I use Joomla 1.015

I just tried to install joomlacomment 3.26 after first uninstall the 3.12b ver.

I got error about in the component\com_comment folde already installed component..
so I manually delete the commponent/com_comment folder

then I install....n then
hey... what's the meaning of this error msg??:S

[color=#FF0000]Fatal error: Undefined class name 'jostableutils' in /home/sloki/user/t65681/sites/http://arievianza.com/www/administrator/components/com_comment/install.comment.php on line 40[/color]

please help...anyone! :ohmy:

What should I do??:(
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