1. Adam Banks
  2. Newbie Area
  3. Saturday, 25 April 2015
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I've set up a subaccount in my Mandrill control panel.

How do I assign/use that subaccount for a particular site from within Joomla (CMandrill) when in API mode?

Responses (6)
Daniel Dimitrov
Support team
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
I think that when we wrote the extension there wasn't an option to send through a subaccount.
I had a look at the docs and to send from a subaccount one need to provide the subaccount that should be used with the send function.
So currently you can't use subaccount with CMandrill. I'll try to add this in the next release.

Please if you use our extensions be so kind and review them at JED
Matukio | Hotspots Pro | CComment Pro
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Newbie Area
  3. # 1
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Daniel - many thanks. I thought it was me, simply not understanding the way things work. I've used Joomla since Mambo days, but only recently discovered Mandrill, so I've still a lot to learn.

It'd be really great to see CMandrill implement this, as I can't really use a single Mandrill account on multiple Joomla sites - as each client would see other clients' stats in their Dashboard.

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Newbie Area
  3. # 2
Daniel Dimitrov
Support team
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey Adam,
Not sure if you've already seen it, but 4.0 supports subaccounts.

Please if you use our extensions be so kind and review them at JED
Matukio | Hotspots Pro | CComment Pro
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Newbie Area
  3. # 3
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Thanks, Daniel - I'll take a look!

I'm still in "evaluation" mode - as I have to work my way through a few clients and get their feedback on how they see their newsletter/emailing strategy is going to work in the future. At the moment, they're using RSJoomla!'s RSMail (which has a fair degree of reporting as well). CMandrill works well with RSMail, so at least we can do a decent comparative test!

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Newbie Area
  3. # 4
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hi Daniel, I've set up CMandrill to use a specific sub account but emails are not being recorded by Mandrillapp as using the sub account.

Any ideas ?

  1. more than a month ago
  2. Newbie Area
  3. # 5
Daniel Dimitrov
Support team
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Hey Chris,
No idea. Normally you should just select the subacocunt and we would sent through it. Are you sure that you've selected the subaccount. And do you perhaps have another site where you didn't select a subaccount so that mails get sent from the same api without the subaccount?

Please if you use our extensions be so kind and review them at JED
Matukio | Hotspots Pro | CComment Pro
  1. more than a month ago
  2. Newbie Area
  3. # 6
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