1. Kent Morrison
  2. Plugins and Modules
  3. Wednesday, 07 April 2021
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Hotspotsanywhere does not display a map IN A MODULE

I have been able to embed a HotSpots map in an article using this syntax:
{hotspotsanywhere 891}
it refers to this HIDDEN menu item on the site:

BUT when I attempt (various methods tried) to use that in a Custom Module, the module simply echoes the command, and does not call a map:


I have installed the JQuery Easy plugin as you suggested in a past posting, but that does not seem to hae any effect.
I have tried to find an error message with DEBUG and System Error Reporting, but cannot see a problem being reported.

BTW, there are several very successful conventional HotSpots maps on this site:

Please take a look and tell me if anything obvious is causing this ?

Thank you !
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