1. John Holland
  2. General
  3. Friday, 20 March 2015
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Mandatory information about my setup:

Have I searched the tickets before posting? No
Have I searched the forum before posting? No
Joomla! version: (unknown)
PHP version: (unknown)
MySQL version: (unknown)
Tiles version: (unknown)
Direct link to the page that shows the issue: (unknown)

Description of my issue:
Follow up to yesterday's ticket. Just looking for a precise answer, since the suggestion can't be correct.

> For example you can use the default template and place your override in:
> templates/html/mod_tiles/default.php

1. So, like most joomla overrides, when you say "templates" you don't mean the multiple mod_tiles template folders, right?

2. If so, which is the folder where I put the mod_tiles file template.css to override:
a. /templates/[DEFAULT TEMPLATE]/html/mod_tiles/default.php
b. /templates/[DEFAULT TEMPLATE]/html/mod_tiles/default/
c. /templates/[DEFAULT TEMPLATE]/html/mod_tiles/templates/default/
d. /templates/[DEFAULT TEMPLATE]/css/mod_tiles/default/
e. /templates/[DEFAULT TEMPLATE]/css/mod_tiles/templates/default/

Responses (1)
Daniel Dimitrov
Support team
Accepted Answer Pending Moderation
Look at the code of default.php
It has this call on line 21:

JHTML::_('stylesheet', 'media/mod_tiles/templates/default/template.css');

If you go down the rabbit hole and inspect the stylesheet function in the JHTML class you'll see that they are trying to load an override for this file in
$path = JPATH_THEMES . "/$template/$folder/$file";
or in the media directory etc.

The easiest thing you could do here if you don't know where the system is looking for this file is to just change the path to the file.
Instead of media/mod_tiles/templates/default/template.css, change it to templates/your_template/css or templates/your_template/html/mod_tiles/css

Whatever you want.

I don't really understand your first question. A module override in joomla looks like this. Your module has the following structure:
To create an override for default.php you need to create default.php in your template in the following path:

That's it.

Please if you use our extensions be so kind and review them at JED
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