1. Peter Ashford
  2. The Voice Sherlock Holmes
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  4. Saturday, 17 October 2015
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Hello - Was just looking to add custom fields to my site and realised that it won't allow to create multiple select fields.

For example, my site is for cycle touring events. One of the custom fields I'm looking at is to show the accommodation that will be used. So we can pick between hotel, camping, hostel, etc.. people quite often use more than one, so I would like to have a multiple select custom field.

Hope that makes sense. I'm also hoping that I have been blind as usual and you will reply and tell me the function already exists! If not there, can it please be added. For now, I just keep adding the detail to the event description manually. In the future I would like people to be able to search custom fields like this. that would be good .

cheers Pete
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