Despite the minor change in the release number (from 4.1.2 to 4.1.3) this update has a lot of bugfixes and updates.
For those of you that haven't read it yet - Joomla 1.6 beta1 is out. I don't advise you to use it on production sites, but you can always test it out and perhaps help with moving forward.
I was trying to port compojoomComment 4.1.2 to joomla 1.6 for the last couple of days and I finally managed to post few comments on the new joomla :).
CompojoomComment 4.1.2 STABLE is our sunday present for our subscribers.Just go to the download section and get it! Man it is been a wild ride! That is the 5th release we managed to make within 1 month! From beta1 to stable - all smashing bugs and updating language files. I want to thank again all our translators and contributors. Without you this wouldn't be possible! Thank you!
As it seems, for the last couple of days the registration on compojoom was not possible. I'm really sorry for this! The problem was caused by our new friendly SEF urls and the rewriting that our SEF extension was making. Thank to a user that pointed this out, we've fixed that and you will be able to register.
Hey folks, I've just released compojoomcomment 4.1.2 RC1! I want to thank all translators that helped with this release.
As I like to say: "Better late, then never". It took me a lot of time to convert the video and add the subtitles, but finally it is ready and I'm excited to share this with the people who attended the webinar on the 13th of March or missed it :) Anyway I hope you'll enjoy it, just as I enjoyed making it :) If you have any questions or recommendations don't hesitate to use the comment form.
Let us be honest: JoomlaComment sucks at documentation. I didn't want this to apply to CompojoomComment. So I sat down today and wrote this 9 pages installation, update, downgrade, manual update and possible problems and solution guide for CompojoomComment. Right now the content table looks like this:
Thanks to Nils Ally I had a little more work than expected :) he found a strange problem with myblog and our comment plugin for it. When the plugins "content - !joomlacomment" and "MyBlog - joomlacommentmyBlog" were both enabled, then the articles were loading the comments twice.
I know that you are already asking yourself - 4.1.1 beta1? How did I manage to miss the 4.1 beta1 release? Well, I didn't keep it secret, but I was neither shouting loud that 4.1beta1 was released last Sunday evening. I did this for 2 reasons:
1st The latest comments module was not ready and 2nd I didn't want to make anything wrong with the subscription system. Now nearly one week later we are ready for the big launch :)
Hey everyone! I'm still working on the subscription system on compojoom and that is why compojoomcomment 4.1beta1 is still not released. Despite this I thought it would be a good idea to make a short preview and that is why I made this video: