Translate our extensions with opentranslators!

After the initial setup problems we finally made it to transifex! All our extensions translations are now hosted there and all our current translators are advised to use the transifex platform to make the translations from now on.

For those of you who don't understand why the title of the blog is "Translate our components with opentranslators" and now suddenly in the first paragraph of it I start to talk again about transifex here is the short explanation

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Transifex - a developer experience

Disappointing. I didn't think for a second that I'll say it, but so far my experience with transifex is really disappointing. If it wasn't for I would not bother with them actually.

First of all let me say that I value what they try to do! I know that it is not easy to satisfy everyone and I also understand that my disappointment is largely connected with the fact that I'm new to the platform. In the next few paragraphs I'll share my experience hoping that I can save you from losing 2 days in trying to upload your extension translation files to transifex. I also hope that this blog post will be of use to transifex and it will help them improve their system.

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Joomla 2.5 released

Yesterday Joomla 2.5 was released with a lot of cool features such as - captcha on the registration form, multi-database support and much more! Check the official announcement here.

Since I got few emails asking me about the compatiblity of our extensions with Joomla 2.5 I wanted to publicly confirm that all our extensions are working on Joomla 2.5! So head up to the download section and start downloading :)

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New Site! New Products and More!

You may have noticed here at Compojoom we have revamped pretty much everything. Over the past few months our team has been hard at work bringing you a better experience using our site as well as improvements to our current products with some amazing new releases on the horizon.

We have big plans for you and we are looking forward to hearing your feedback.

Lets see what has been changed and updated at Compojoom:

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Joomla 2.5 / Year 2012 / End of the world???

Since now the first beta of Joomla 2.5 is published I thought that it would be good to make a short blog post to explain where we are and where we are going.

Currently all our extensions are working on joomla 1.5, 1.7 and 2.5, yes you read it right! Joomla 2.5!!! So, if you are running joomla 1.7 and you want to update to 2.5 (STABLE) - don't hesitate - everything should work as before! (btw - Joomla 1.7 reaches end of life in February 2012 and Joomla 1.5 in April 2012 - so prepare to update/migrate guys!)

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1 Comment

Every problem has the right solution

I think that we are all going to agree that Hotspots 2.0.5 is awesome. In fact Hotspots 2.0 meets the need of 99% of my customers and that makes me really happy. However there is always this 1% that needs more. ( don’t make any analogies with the 99% movement, please! )

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Import comments from disqus

To be honest I’ve never really bothered with Disqus. Why use it, when you can use CompojoomComment, right? Few days ago, a customer asked on the forum how to import comments from disqus. Well, the short answer was of course – you can’t. The longer one was – well, let me see what I can do. After a short look at their documentation I decided to sit down, register for the service, create few test comments, export them and import them into CompojoomComment. It was not all that difficult, but I had to reverse engineer few things to be able to properly import the comments.

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Free ticket to Joomla Day Spain 2011

Next week on the 9th and 10th of November Joomla Day Spain is going to take place in Zaragosa (Spain of course). Sadly, I won't be able to attend the event and I thought that one of you may be interested in it and would like to get my ticket for it :) (don't worry you won't have to make any presentation there :)).

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Life, universe and teaching workshops

Since the last release of Hotspots I’ve been really busy. Mainly procrastinating, but also trying to think about life, the universe and the restaurant at the end of the universe

I’ve been so busy that I couldn’t find the time to write about . Wait! Wait! Wait! Don’t click on that link yet! Let me first tell you what it is all about. :)

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CompojoomComment 4.2.1 released

Let me tell you this: supporting 2 versions of a system is a tough thing. I can’t wait for the day when I’m going to say – the support for joomla 1.5 is discontinued :) Right now we are around 8 months far away from this day… Anyway just say hello to CompojoomComment 4.2.1. As you can clearly see from the version number – this is a maintenance release.

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