1. JonusC
  2. Installation
  3. Tuesday, 23 February 2010
  4.  Subscribe via email
Remember, we are volunteers; just like you - fellow Joomlan! You can help us to help you in a few ways - providing descriptive thread titles, giving us as much information as possible (with screenshots and diagraming if easier to explain) and of course with as much related information as possible.

Before starting a new thread, be sure to check out the FAQ section first.

To save us asking everyone all the time, we decided to request all users to use the following template when submitting their bug report or support request in the forum. This helps our support to be more beneficial to you and all other visitors of CompoJoom.

Please note that while Joomla itself does support different databases, the !JoomlaComment 4.x component has only been tested with MySQL v5.1 and newer. Also, PHP4 servers are no longer supported in 4.x, only PHP5.

Hijacking threads. Asking for support by posting in another thread that is not the same topic, or posting on a thread that is a year old, will probably be ignored! Start a new thread instead and clearly state your problem, with the template below as a guide.

The template is in the next post so copy-and-paste and ask away!
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