1. Nina Mårtensson
  2. General
  3. Thursday, 28 April 2022
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I'm having problems with tags in frontend. If I click on a tag in the event I get to the tags page, the tags that link to events looks like this:
With sef: component/matukio/event/498?Itemid=435
Without sef: index.php?option=com_matukio&view=eventlist&Itemid=8887

and neither actually goes to the event, I only get 404 error.

The same event in the calendar has link:

If I look at the same event in the calendar it has a different id, it seems like the tag links get id from table #__matukio column "id" (498) while the event in the calendar gets id from #__matukio_recurring column "id" (28).

Is it a router error or something else? I've been going over this for hours and I can't figure out what's going on. It's so strange!
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