1. Emanuel Ober
  2. Pre-Sales
  3. Thursday, 11 February 2021
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dear matukio team,

we are building an event-registration-site for a customer and would like to challenge our specification book with your solution. we did a good amount of research in your online-documentation but would like to confirm these on your side.
we are not totally sure which or any of your addons will provide some of these features. I hope you can answer our request soon and it's possible to help us.

• MOST IMPORTANT Multiday events (multipart courses (multiple days and times), buyable with one ticket/registration; dates+times must be shown in the frontend as one event with all dates. This are not quite your recurrences)
• Registration of multiple users in one go (form) (One visitor should register multiple users in one go on the webform. He should provide all their names + emails and they should be full attendees.)
• Speaker-List of all speakers and Speaker-Details (Popup) in event detail view (speaker-details should be presented in a popup on the eventpage and in the speaker-list)
• Auto-Confirm of registration + mail to user (a confirmation of an admin should not be necessary)
• manual adding registrants in backend (not invite) (these are not ”normal” invites but additional registrations that came per mail and should be integrated)
• Location list showing all used locations which link to their detailpages
• Social sharing of events (facebook, linkedin, twitter, xing)
• Categories module (Shows a list of categories with the number of events per category?)
• Type of events (Second level of attributes like categories, often as tag’s). events should be filterable with this on the eventlist (like with categories)

kind regards
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