I made a plugin on basis of your email plugin. In the function "onAfterHotspotSave" I call
[code type=php]$jform = JFactory::getApplication()->input->get('jform', array(), 'array');[/code]
Which is fine but in hotspot edit I get it only partial. Essentially I am not getting the hotspot id, which I need.
It does exist in the form here:
<input type="hidden" id="hotspot-id" name="hotspot-id" value="1534">
Here is the print_r of $jform:
Warning: Spoiler Alert!
[Toggle message]
[title] => Dima666
[catid] => 17
[hotspotText] => dfgdfgdfg
fgdfg sdfsdf
[country] => Germany
[town] => Berlin
[street] => 19 Hagenstraße
[plz] => 14193
[params] => Array
[sticky] => 1
[gmlat] => 52.48111
[gmlng] => 13.268051000000014
[customfields] => Array
[opening-hours] =>
[opening-hours-monday] => 10:00 - 18:00
[opening-hours-tuesday] => 08:00 - 21:00
[opening-hours-wednesday] =>
[opening-hours-thursday] =>
[opening-hours-friday] =>
[opening-hours-saturday] =>
[opening-hours-sunday] =>
[contact-details-phone] => 0772070084
[contact-details-email] => rotem55@actv-tec.co.il
[official-website] => http://www.action.gay.hu/
[venue-capacity] =>
[entry-price] =>
[minimum-drink-order] =>
[orientation] =>
[gay] => 1
[crowd-type] =>
[special-events] =>
[go-go-boys] => 1
[dress-code] =>
[rubber] => 1
[amenities] =>
[publish_up] =>
[publish_down] =>
[state] => 1
[access] => 1
[language] => *
So how can I get the hotspot id in "onAfterHotspotSave" function?