1. Alexander
  2. Plugins
  3. Monday, 24 January 2011
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I've created a custom component, com_stories. It's a sort of testimonials manager. I've created a custom !joomlacomment plugin that allows users to comment on other users' testimonials. (Using !joomlacomment 4.0 RC1. I know, it's deprecated. We'll probably upgrade when we move to Joomla! 1.6.)

This component has two views: stories, which lists all testimonials (paginated) with readon links, and story, which displays a single testimonial including comments. I've modified checkVisual in the plugin to check which view com_stories is in and give a readon link or show the comments depending. This is working perfectly.

Except: in the stories view, all the readon links point to id=0. Or if I set an id via url parameter (which is not meant to be done, by definition stories view is all ids), all of the readon links are to that id.

Before, I just generated the readon links in the component itself, but I would like to be able to show the number of comments on a given testimonial.

Here is the relevant code from com_stories stories view template:


foreach ($this->rows as $this->row) {
echo $this->loadTemplate('story');

and default_story.php:

row->name . '';
echo 'Posted ' . date('M. jS, Y', strtotime($this->row->submitted_date)) . '';
echo '' . $this->row->story . '';
echo $this->row->id;
global $option;

(Used require instead of require_once because otherwise only the first testimonial will have a readon link.)

Is there some way to pass the id of each testimonial to !joomlacomment so that the readon links point to the correct id of each item in the stories view, like they do on com_content's section blog and category blog layouts?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Alexander Clark

P.S. Sorry if this question has been answered before. I spent a lot of time googling and was unable to find anything.
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