1. Nils Ally
  2. Bugs
  3. Monday, 26 April 2010
  4.  Subscribe via email
Not sure how to describe this correctly, so here goes...:
I have the 4.1.2 beta 1 component and latest Module installed.
Joomla 1.5.16 etc

In the LatestComments module, the language file has been corrected to (in my case) Norwegian.
Looking on the frontpage, and reading isolated articles including blog entries, the Module follows the language path correctly, and states the correct "Said" and "more" (only in Norwegian).

However, when I suddenly change the component being used to read from, for example Forums, Picture Gallery, Video Gallery, TopSites, Events, Virtuemart, it suddenly says "more" in English, and NOT Norwegian.
At the same time the "said" stays in the correct language.

So the first part (said) is correct at all times, whereas the second linking part (more) defaults to english.

On returning to Frontpage or article, the language is correct again.

I also see that the language file for the Module does not have any language definition for this "more" statement, so it is pulling it from somewhere, only not consistently correct.
Since it is consistently incorrect, I guess this might be an easy fix?
:lol: but even an easy fix is out of my league.

Anyway, this is not crucial, just perhaps worth looking in to...?
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