>>> !JoomlaComment template not found: mydefault <<<<
The template is indeed on the remote site.
Here are some clues that the experts might understand (I'm not an expert - yet)
Deep within the component !joomlacomment (on the remote server) under "content settings/layout" in the "template" section I found in red letters -
Your customized template:
Location:/www/http://domainname.com/web/domainname/domainname/media IS NOT writable
as compared to the same place on the localhost which says -
Your customized template:
Location:C:Program Filesxampphtdocsdomainnamemediamyjosctemplates IS writable
Right next to the red letter message on the remote host it says "HTML use standard" as compared to the local host which says "HTML mydefault" and then under that "CSS".
Everything else in the template section is set the same on both the local and remote servers.
I tried to make changes on the remote server but it wouldn't let me.
I guess this means I need to somehow either make the contents of directory "myjosctemplates" writeable, or rewrite them by hand using a text editor, or ???
Any advice?
Just for the record here are the rest of the settings in the templates section:
Standard template: html = modern css = css
Copy current standard template to customized template directory = no
Modify current customized template = no
Include javascript library = yes
Columns number of the input area = 40
Joomlacomment ver = !JoComment 4.0 alpha3 by Compojoom.com
remote server has php 5