1. Josh Lewis
  2. Bugs
  3. Monday, 01 July 2013
  4.  Subscribe via email
I'm doing perhaps the most tedious migration I've ever done. It was easier to go from Joomla 1.5 to 1.7 than it is to go from Joomla 2.5 to 3.1. Because traditional migration wasn't working (it only part way installed J3) I decided to try a untraditional method. I extracted the data from my backup, applied the content to a J 2.5, upgraded it to J 3.1. Once I did this to the rest of my data I created a fresh J 3.1 site (to prevent upgraded 2.5 files from being an issue) and inserted it. This is the short and sweet version of the story, but I almost completely pulled it off cleanly. :cheer:

The bad news is that near the end I some how ended up with a duplicate copy of Ccomment. :huh: I turned on complete uninstall which removed the initial Ccomment but am left with a glitchy looking one. I know perfectly well how to remove the tables, but I assume there is more to it to remove. What DB tables should I look into to completely remove Ccomment?

Once I have it completely uninstalled I plan on re-installing Ccomment. B) The reason I want to remove this broken copy is to prevent future problems. And no worries, I have very few actual comments on my site considering that it is still a work in progress (I hope to have it finally stable some time this Fall).

Here's a screen shot of what it looks like in the backend:


For some reason it won't let me attach it in this forum.
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