1. Krzysztof Laczka
  2. Newbie area
  3. Monday, 30 July 2018
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When i want to create a spot i don't see the map, I can only enter the cooordinates of my spot. I have provided the API key and the map displays in front end of the website. However as wrote before there's no map in create a spot place. in addition when I enter the coordinates the spot shows up in a wrong place (about 100km south-west from the right location) And the start map is zoomed very close. I edit the parameter in the setting however nothing changes. And another thing is that I can provide the start city (default Karlsrhue) but it doesn't work on my site. And the last question: is there a way to start the map from my current location, so different for each user depending on where he/she is? I would be really thankful if you can help.
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