1. Dick Weinrib
  2. Newbie area
  3. Tuesday, 30 August 2016
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Hotspots Pro map integration returns street view imagery for locations using HTTP through inline styling. Our site uses and forces HTTPS on all pages. This causes mixed content errors. We have read the documentation and searched the forums for a similar problem but did not find anything.

Here is an example of the inline HTML generated.

<div class="js-hs-streetmap hs-streetmap" style="display: block; background: url("http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/streetview?size=260x90&sensor=false&pano=j9p6hiGcPMPDPZXQWgn8Tw";);"><label>Street view</label></div>

The HTTP reference of the background image would have to change in all occurrences to https for mixed content errors to not resolve. I believe documentation is slightly different for using google map via HTTPS, but it would be necessary for sites to use it that are forcing SSL to use it (website SSL) to its full advantage. Any information on this subject would be greatly appreciated.
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