I installed WP on the same server as the Joomla site: http://portraitcommission.net
I want to import the WP posts into this category blog, without overwriting anything: http://www.portraitcommission.net/index.php/blog
I have questions:
The Wordpress db tables that you try to import from need to be in the same database as the joomla tables! Otherwise the import is not going to work!
Right now the WP database is separate from the Joomla database. So I'm unclear how to merge the two before importing. Can you clarify?
When you import the categories from Wordpress we will keep the same category-> child relationship that they had. The post from Wordpress will be also associated with the same category as in Wordpress.In Wordpress you are able to assign several categories to one post. Joomla articles can have just one category, that is why when we import the post from Wordpress we just take the first assigned Wordpress category.
The posts are all uncategorized in WP. When I import them, I will assign them to the blog category in joomla. Is this a good plan?
You can use 'Clean migration' option to delete all of your previous data from your database. This function will delete all of your old articles*, categories*, users* and tags*!
I will deselect this so that I keep existing posts. Do you agree?
We use your base site URL while parsing, to create right source links for your images in your nodes or posts/pages. If you leave this field blank, only images with absolute paths will be parsed!
* Depends on your migration selection. For an example, if you don't select categories for migration, categories won't be deleted.