1. Crystal Dionysopoulos
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  3. Monday, 25 April 2022
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Hi and happy Monday!

First of all, thanks for your patience and support while I experiment with hotspots this weekend. ?

I am trying to figure out if it's possible to have multiple filters in the front end map.

The use case is that this is for a nonprofit focused on the conservation of pumas; they have a sightings map that people can submit to.

While I have created custom fields to track the time of day and season like their current map, it doesn't seem like that's used in the front end at all besides with the individual marker.

I'm totally comfortable doing a template override if that's necessary, but I'm not sure where to start with that.

It would also be super helpful for them to be able to filter by sighting date range because that way they can see if there are patterns over time. I will maybe be able to coerce the creation date to track sighting date, since I don't see a date custom field type, but a date field would be better maybe.

Thank you for any pointers! Have a great day!

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