1. Josh Lewis
  2. General
  3. Saturday, 28 February 2015
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According to the Ccomment plugin list it has "CB latest comments on profile". I don't suppose EasySocial could have something like this? On EasySocial it is called an "App" or "Application" instead of a plugin. An app displays data on the profile using EasySocial filters. Here's an app example. Creating an EasySocial app (not to be confused with cell phone apps ;-)) would basically just display comments that user has made. This would allow people to know what communications they have made across the site. And of course others could view it too so that people know how they engage with others or what they engage in. In addition to this, on my site Ccomments is an ascent log meaning that displaying an app on the profile will literally enable people to keep track of where they go. So in other words showing comments on the profile can be more than just comments, it can show experience to others that will qualify them when they request trips from other.

Anyways was just giving you a real life application to a EasySocial app with Ccomment. :-) Would love to see this included for Ccomment some day. EasySocial is literally the highest rated community extension of Joomla which is another reason Ccomment would benefit from this.

Hope all is going well for you Daniel and the Compojoom team.

- Josh Lewis
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